
An official rant on PDA (Public Displays of Affection)

The other day, I was minding my own business, making my way to a Java Programming Final (big mistake taking that class), and I was observing all the people around me. Its a warm day, I’m sweating as I normally do, but I notice something out of the ordinary. All around me, fairly attractive to very attractive people are lip locked, either blatantly unaware or unashamedly aware. It was like a punch to the head, because I have never seen so many people kissing and entwined all at the same time.

To my left and right, people are appreciating their relationships openly, and it made me think back at my own relationships. I was very aware of the affection I gave and received, and I couldn’t, for the life of me, bring myself to do what these people were doing. Kissing so openly, holding each other so intimately. Its like Cupid threw a grenade, and love shrapnel was hitting people everywhere.

Is it just me? Is this the Spring of love? Am I making a big deal out of it? I mean, I kind of liked watching these people. It was like Improv Everywhere was punking me in some way. I don’t know why they would do that, but you never know with those guys. So in conclusion? Every day that passes I notice more and more “new” couples. I have to assume they’re new couples because…why else would they be so lovey dovey, touchy feely?