
You have to go for it.

Alright people, enough with the BS. Three things need to happen before you can even think of asking a girl out or hooking up with a girl. Same with you ladies with men.

Firstly! You really need to love yourself. Seriously, be happy with who you are. Be happy with your talents, and embrace your inner joys, and do it as much as possible. Do the things you love!! Be happy with your faults, and realize you have those faults and be willing to change if you’re not happy with who you are inside.

Secondly! Be confident in everything you flippin’ do! For Pete’s sake, you only really only have ONE person to impress, and that’s you. If the person you’re into doesn’t think so, then there’s someone else out there who will, and it will be their loss. Yeah, really, its THEIR loss, not yours. When people tell you their are plenty of fish in the sea, its more or less true. The sea of people out there is pretty big. Does that mean you’ll find one worthwhile who thinks you’re worthwhile? You won’t know unless you show off that confidence. Be proud of who you are, nerd, geek, mortician, jock, ninja, pirate, if its positive, if its worthwhile and benefits you and society around you, then you should be proud!

FINALLY! Trust your gut. There’s a reason why people sing songs and write stories and movies and TV shows and poems all about following your heart. There’s a reason why you feel that pull, or feel compelled to ask a person out, or maybe you think they’d be a great lay, whatever! You go with your gut, and you’ll find that you’re right a lot. And I mean right for YOU. Not for anyone else, but you did the right thing for you.

So, go for it. You see someone you think is worthwhile, is someone who could be something good in your life, just do it. You’ll never know what it’ll bring you, and you’ll never know unless you go for it.