
Let's settle this once and for all…FIGHT!

We live in a world of dominant personalities, and people constantly fighting to be the alpha anything in work, marriage, families, etc. We try to let our own personality shine, and we try to get our own way. We’re individuals with our own wants and needs. Even those with a more submissive way of thinking want their own demands met. So how do we handle this in a world that lacks compromise? 

We settle. Often times people will fall in love or become infatuated with someone and we do our best to play the part of the perfect person. We hide our flaws, we deny our faults, and we shine for those we are hot for. Even the jerks and douche bags shine with shiny hair and clothes and wads of cash. So, we put our best foot forward, and we set ourselves up for failure.

The relationships we build will grow, and the bond will become tighter. This is probably why men prefer to have flings and women gravitate towards a-holes. It gives them the excuse not to have to settle with the person when they find out they’re not all they’re cracked up to be. After finding out we’ve been duped by our significant other, we almost feel like we’re not going to do any better, or we they’re all going to be the same.

Now, I’m not saying EVERYONE settles, but I think quite a few do. I have to bring up divorce statistics for it to even make a point. Its high in the United States, and I think people know that. Its common knowledge, yet people are willing to get married for the children or whatever the reasoning is. And they’re good reasons, but that’s why I find it ridiculous.

Why put yourself in that situation? Why are people jumping into relationships and marriage after…a year or two. Can you really know a person after that amount of time? I don’t think so. And what about living with them for awhile? I think there should be a set of new requirements in order to get married. This world we live in isn’t the way it used to be, with people just living miserably with their partner. 

People have an opportunity to know what they’re getting into. People should not sign in to that contract of marriage without living with this person, having sex with this person, and actually going through all sorts of drama with this person for at LEAST five years and after the age of thirty. Why rush it?

Otherwise, we settle…we live in perpetual sorrow…we allow ourselves to stay in a rut for some unknown, higher purpose. Stop…just stop. I’m not saying people can’t find happiness for a lifetime. And I’m not saying relationships and love don’t take work, its a lot of hard work, but its very possible and very rewarding. But don’t find yourself settling. Know what you’re getting into, and make it worthwhile.