
Day 1 – Yep, I'm doing one of those weird 100 day things, I think.

I used to like to write stories for my friends. Well, I’ll admit, I was never a good writer. I’ve seen some of my old doc files and I cringe. But, my friends were obviously kind, and encouraged this outlet. I wrote short stories, poems, and the makings of novels in high school, and I was my harshest critic. It was all bad. Yet, now, I still believe I’m a better writer than I am anything else when it comes to expressing myself. Which is surprising, as I often fight with my brain telling me some negative thing or another. I don’t know if that’s depression or me just being lame, I’ve only been diagnosed by one therapist, and I feel I should have gotten a second opinion.

Whatever it may be, every day, for the next 100 days (or more), I will write something on this blog. Much of it will be positive, like the upcoming Final Fantasy Fan Festival, or Stan Lee’s Comikaze. Some of it will be reflective, sharing stories that would be embarrassing or sad, but hopefully, relieving (for me). But all of it will be personal to me, whether it’s reviewing a TV show or waxing poetically about a book I just read. And of course, posts advertising my podcasts will not count.

This will mean discipline, routine, and it means I will have to find something to talk about. So today, I will talk about something I thoroughly enjoy and end it with an embarrassing confession.

It’s been a few years since I’ve watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It is probably my all time favorite film next to Jurassic Park. I don’t really know what that says about my taste in films. Either way, I somehow stumbled onto various clips from the movie, thanks to the magic of YouTube. I’ll be adding a clip around here somewhere. But what amazes me, after all this time, (a whopping four years!) is that the movie still holds up! Scenes that were funny then, are still funny now. It could be my love for Edgar Wright and the movies he creates, but I think Scott Pilgrim just calls out to me and my sensibilities. The video game references and the hipster sense of humor keeps me glued to the screen, to where watching one clip can easily grow into watching 12. So, for those of you who didn’t see this movie in theaters, or maybe you’ve never heard of Scott Pilgrim or the comic book series it was based on, let me give you a taste of a scene that made me laugh since the trailer.

Now for something completely different!

Have you ever been infatuated with someone just based on things they put up on social media? You see that they have the same kind of likes that you have, the same kind of hobbies, or maybe even the same sense of humor. You interact with them a little bit with a reply here, or a like there. But of course, you know in the back of your mind that it means nothing, because everyone “Likes” and “Retweets” things. You’re just another person to do that very thing. But there’s a part of you that says, “Maybe they’ll notice.” Well, I’ve definitely done that. I’m not really sure why. I think it’s just nice to know that there are people out there who are like you, and though you know you may never meet, a part of you likes them. With online dating being such a huge thing, I still like to believe in serendipitous encounters, so maybe the internet can produce a serendipitous coupling.

I don’t know how embarrassing that was to confess, especially since I edited the paragraph a couple dozen times. Either way, this is how it’s going to go for awhile. Maybe it will be awesome, maybe it will be a bust, but whatever it is, its…something. Ellipses are brilliant by the way. If you read this, thank you, it is greatly appreciated.