
Day 34 – Geek Love Radio?

I’ve been thinking a lot about love, sex, and relationships from a geek’s perspective and how I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve actually stopped trying. First off, I’m very aware of how bad I am at relationships, and secondly, I would feel horrible for having any person to have to put up with me. Mind you, this is not a pity party or anything, this is just a realization of facts.

You know how people can be painfully unaware of what makes them awkward or strange or even annoying? You see it all the time. They don’t pick up on social cues, nor do they understand that the friendly advice being given isn’t really advice, but a plea for the person to stop being annoying. I am aware of my flaws and even though I’ve attempted to try and correct those flaws, they seem to come back the moment I’m infatuated with a woman.

I feel that any reason I give from here on out will sound like an excuse, and it probably is. So I’m not going to go into why I think I am the way I am, but instead talk about the inspiration to start Geek Love Radio up again. Though, one may ask, why I would possibly start up a podcast that’s all about successful relationships, when I cannot even obtain one. Well, because I know what I’m doing wrong. It would be a show about not doing things I would do. One person’s failure will be the blueprint for someone else’s success.

Maybe it’s backwards thinking, but I think it can work. It’s facing dating from analyzing the wrong things and making them right. I do have a possible co-host in the wings, which makes it easier, it’s just a matter of putting it all together. I do miss talking about this sort of thing.

It’s now out in the aether, so please, be on the look out. Geek Love Radio may rise again