With the latest trailer of “Last Of Us” out and about the for the gaming public to ogle, it makes one wonder if we’re just going overboard with the whole zombie thing. Now I did read somewhere that the creatures in “Last Of Us” are not zombies, but when you watch that trailer, you sure do think zombies.
I guess what’s happened with the sci fi, horror genre in regards to the zombies. With each attempt to redefine the shambling dead, we get…well, just creatures who want to eat people. Now there are cannibals in the world still roaming remote islands, and they’re not considered zombies, because they’re alive, but if they have a funky looking face and greyish bodies, you kind of think of well…uhh, zombies. People who watched “I am Legend” may recall that those in that movie were not zombies, but people infected folks. The same goes with “28 Days Later” and so on. So maybe we’re just too busy generalizing what’s considered the walking dead and what’s considered just a monster, but all I know is, we have a lot of it already.
Maybe I’m reading the wrong blogs, but I haven’t really seen anyone complaining about zombies. There’s so many zombies, and so many movies and television shows and even comic books about them. They all do the same thing, which is attack in packs, are mostly dead, and eat people. Zombies have become so prevalent that every creature with teeth and a pack mentality are kind of grouped with those people(?). Look at the Resident Evil series, where it started off with the undead, then a parasite, and then…regular people with some kind of fungus in them. Okay, I forget how the story went, but I know that they weren’t zombies, but Resident Evil is a zombie game. So…yes, I think Capcom made sure to point out a distinction between the main antagonists from the later games in contrast to the original games, but then that would defeat my argument, which really, I think you all can agree with me, we’re kind of overflowing with uhh… the Z word.
Not that I mind it or anything, but I just wish there was an original look to the creatures. When I first saw the “Last of Us” trailer, I thought that the creatures were zombies. They moved awkwardly, though fast, they ate the dead (supposedly), and they have freaky faces. I don’t know if they’re undead, as there are little in the terms of details on the game, but the devlopers again are saying they’re not, but didn’t you think the same thing? Even if is just speculation? And even if the developers say they aren’t, I think people will just naturally associate them with the living dead. I don’t think there are that many different names for zombies, which makes this post a little repetitive.
In the end, I feel there are just so many of them, you know…them. I can’t say the Z word again, I already wrote it out three dozen times. Am I wrong on this? Do you think there are enough or maybe that it’s the norm? I hope not. Zombies (GAH!) are cool and all, and I like how they’re portrayed in such films like “The Walking Dead”, but I just think, maybe…we have too many out there.
I guess I’m just getting old and all the creatures are all blending together for the most part. If it’s survival horror, it can often be thought that the main baddie are zombies. Still, I’m excited by the game, I hope that the monsters become more fleshed out in the future, no pun intended, and I do believe it will be awesome. It’s being made by the same guys who brought the “Uncharted” series, and I personally love that series. A ton of fun and an amazing movie like story and cinematic experience. So, it all works for me. Still, would it be so bad to stay away from the whole uhh undead monster thing for a bit? We could use something different, like…cute accumulations of fat ala the adipose. Thank you Doctor Who for some creative beasties. So what are your thoughts on the Zombie invasion…err…no pun, again, intended.