
And Now For Something Completely Profound-ish…lite.

The best way to live life is to have all your organs in tact. What does that mean? Well, I’m a man who had a life threatening disease as a kid, I broke my arm and had pins in it and I an organ removed because it was causing me problems. Not to say you can’t live a happy and full life with these situations, but boy does it make it difficult. I realize being healthy has a strong correlation when it comes to relationships.

I think a healthy relationship remains healthy as long as you take care of your health. Wow, I don’t think there are many synonyms for health. Anyway, but as a result, if you’re someone who takes care of themselves physically there is a correlation to mental well being and emotional well being with that. You’re not only physically fit, but you’re usually pretty fit in other parts of your life too.

Now I’m not saying I’m the most healthiest person in the world. As a matter of fact, I could probably use to lose a few dozen pounds and I could be much healthier than I am now. But working to keep physically well and healthy is a sign that you give a damn about yourself. You care about your own wellbeing, which translates into caring about the wellbeing of others in your life. Your partner will notice the effort and if they’re not in the best shape of their life, can motivate them to go out there and change that about themselves.

This is not a plea to change your lifestyle completely, and I know that we live in a nation where, well…weight is a problem. But if you can make those little changes, it will improve you in so many ways. Like I said, how you take care of yourself will reflect in your appearance, your attitude, and how you treat others. I’m just saying, it could help if you’re one of those looking for love in all the right places, but just…nothing is clicking. Maybe that’s a factor. Or yes, it could be a million other ones, but if you know you’re not in the best of health, maybe you want to give this one a try.

Do not do this alone either. Get someone there to help you feel accountable for your change. I know how difficult it is to do it by yourself. Not everyone has that same kind of self discipline, but that’s why I highly recommend you find someone to be there to help you out. Get a friend, a relative, a robot if you have one, to go and work out with you or at least change your lifestyle a bit. Eat better, anything like that.

So why am I on this kick about taking care of yourself? Well, I’m young and I’m already falling apart bit by bit. Plus, there was this girl who pretty much insulted larger people, like myself. And don’t be offended, because she has experience in this realm. Someone who was in the fire was able to jump out unscathed and better. So try it out, start small, and even if it’s something as simple as changing your eating habits or cutting something bad out of your diet, it’s definitely a step in the right direction.

Who knew, love, life, and the way you take care of your body were all connected? Besides, if you look good, it’ll be easier to attract the opposite sex, and who doesn’t want to do that? Grrrrr!!!!! Yes, that was my sexy growl.