
The One Night Stand

This is probably the first time I have nothing really to say about something, mostly because I’ve never done it before. I know of it, I’ve heard people talk about it, but I guess I’m just not suave enough to have experienced the one night stand. Now, I can’t imagine people aren’t aware of what this is, so I won’t bother explaining it, but this is where I pose the question to you folks out there in cyber land. What are your experiences with this and is it a dying art? Art fewer and fewer people able to find it in them to go up to a girl, get drunk, and just…go at it for a night never to be heard from again?

Is the internet making one night stands harder? With social networking, and apps such as Facebook places and Foursquare, people are easier to track down and stalk. If you check into that bar, and the girl ends up liking you and wanting more than just a single night, she could possibly find you, given you didn’t give out a fake name. I guess its more complicated nowadays to have casual sexual relationships. Some people say its because they don’t want to get a disease, but is that really an excuse? Again, what are your thoughts, and what are your experiences?

In lieu of a full on post on one night stands, here is a video Courtesy of Asylum.com on the topic: