
Hmm…Harry Potter Midnight Showing Experience & Review

Okay, went to see the Midnight Screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Before I review the movie, which will be pretty lame, because I normally don’t review things very well, I have to say that Harry Potter has become a stoner movie. I mean, more power to the people who do it, I’d rather not and have no interest, but wow…I was just so surprised by how many teens, and I mean, 50% of the people there, were there just openly smoking weed in the theater. Now, I would have expected this for Jackass 3D, which I didn’t see, but know the viewers do get high in the theater for that movie, but Harry Potter? Seriously? It didn’t ruin the experience, it was just really surprising. The audience was pretty enthralled during the movie

Very few people dressed up, and I did go alone to kind of take my mind off things. But please, let me know if any of you out there have experienced this. The midnight audience is so fun and into the film, but does the movie feel better and more exciting during a midnight showing? The audience gasped, well the females did, a lot of awws and a few jumps, from them, not from me. But overall, does the reaction from the audience help make the movie? Or does it matter? I think I would have enjoyed it either way, but having a lot of people laughing and enjoying parts of the movie along with me was fun.

So now my mini review. I read reviews and they’ve been lukewarm with a lot of criticism on the acting and the slow pacing, but I LOVED it. Not just because I was a fan, but because it really sets the mood for the last chapter. Anyone who has read the book will feel the thrill(?) of seeing those pages on screen in better detail than any of the previous movies. There was action, a lot of down time, but a lot of emotion and atmosphere building. Its a slow build up to the finale, but I think it really sets up the pins for that inevitable strike from the final movie. Definitely not a movie for everyone. But seeing the wizarding world and muggle world collide was just a lot of fun to see. I high recommend it, and don’t expect a movie to interest the young ones. Its an adult movie, and not adult in that way, that I believe will satisfy the fans.

Lastly, it really is a sign of the times when right after the movie, people don’t get up to leave, they take out their phones and start posting on Facebook and Twitter. Haha, I waited until I got home, but it was pretty cool to see so many people just updating their status with their own feelings of the movie. Its a connected world we live in, where our lives or out there for the world to see. Scary, but cool.