
When life gives you a dilemma, make dilemmanade

I saw that on a shirt somewhere. Well this is going to be a short and sweet post. First off, I am attempting to try a new podcast where I talk about anything and everything. I did a pilot episode last night/this morning, just to test the waters. I don’t know how I feel about it yet, as things aren’t all peaches and gravy and roses right now. Enough stress to break a wood board with a well timed karate chop. I’m not even sure where I want to post the episode up yet, if just to preview it here on the blog or host it elsewhere. I love doing Geek Love Radio and this new project will be fun, but yeah.

Secondly, I hope during the hiatus of Geek Love Radio people are spreading the word about the show, sharing the love and letting their friends, family, and strangers know of its existence. Its a labor of love, but I’m a bit of a narcissist…isn’t anyone who does this kind of thing narcissistic in nature? Anyway, I just hope to get more listeners, people writing in, and doing all that good stuff. I look forward to it, and hope that all you out there are enjoying what we have so far.

Finally, well, I guess there is no finally. I’ll post something more substantial later today or tomorrow. Sorry, but I’d have postponed a post to give you something more substantial, but I just cashed my last raincheck. “Where did you get that from?” “MY BRAIN!”