
Being alone is pretty deep, as emphasized by this video.

Over the weekend, I went to the Los Angeles County Fair with friends, and a friend of a friend. We got to talking one moment about the need for other people, and the want to be with someone. We discussed how wome people are tired of being alone. I’ve been truly alone for a short while, as normally I do have people around me, helping me, supporting me. I’m pretty lucky that way. But I do long for the days of when it was just me against the world. Well, lo and behold, I stumble upon this video of a poem about being alone. A point I was trying to make, but I guess, if you’re done with being along you don’t have to be. But if you’re in circumstances that put you in a place where its just you, embrace it and make the most of it.

I think we try too hard to get away from that feeling of solitude. We don’t realize sometimes, the potential of using that alone time to improve and become better people. I don’t know if its just a fear, or if its just boring. It is what you make of it, and in a world where even when its just us, we are never truly alone as we are constantly texting or going online to chat, or playing multiplayer video games. I’m not saying everyone does it, but the potential to not be by ourselves is always there. So take a moment please, and watch the above video. You may get something out of it. Hopefully getting you to where you want to be. (I’m going through GLR withdrawals…a couple more weeks.)

via – boingboing: How to be alone: A poem with music and video