
You're about to get schooled! (That means you're learning something right?)

I wanted to be lazy today, to not talk about anything as I’ve had a fairly full weekend with the County Fair as well as a trip to the Japanese import, Round 1. And yes, I did indulge in fried goodness, and it may be the only time I go this year, and probably why I’m feeling sluggish today. Note to self: Stop eating Krispy Kreme chicken sandwiches and deep fried pb j. (Highly recommend the pb j) But that’s not what I wanted to talk about in this post. It has nothing to do with the Fair or anything like that. See, that last sentence was just fluff.

School’s back, people are either in school or returning to school and those in college…well, college is becoming more diverse as people are continuing to make themselves valuable in the current job market. But, you can’t take school seriously 100% of the time. You probably should, but we can always use a short reprieve, like…a crazy class. Wow, this is a weird lead in, especially since I’m not done. See? The Fair screws with your head. Bah, I was listening to my podcasts, (not GLR, see list to the right), and two of them mentioned the most craziest classes that would definitely break up the monotony from whatever you’re taking like Physiology or Accounting or Music, whatever you happen to be doing.

So if you’re looking for variety, why don’t you take a class on Zombies! Yes, the undead are in academia, and the University of Baltimore wants YOU to learn about Zombies through a series of movies and comic books. And instead of a research paper at the end of the class, you get to write a movie script or storyboard about zombies. I think that’s a pretty legitimate class, that people normally probably don’t take seriously. Its a class on pop culture, and on how zombies are a part of our movies and tv and our society. We have a fascination with zombies, and you never know, maybe this class will help you out during the inevitable zombie apocalypse. (I’m being facetious).

The other class, or maybe its a focus of study, has to deal with comic books and superheroes. There is this guy who earned his PhD with a dissertation on Superheroes and comic books, and his name is Peter Coogan. He developed the Institute for Comic Studies, a non-profit organization that is doing its best to make people aware of the impact of comics and their respective super heroes have on modern society. I don’t read many comics, and people may find these classes ridiculous and a waste of time, but is it?

This is already long so I’ll make it short and sweet. I think people aren’t aware that practically everything is a learning experience. Things that deal with our popular culture like zombies and comics, are a reflection of society and how people perceive what we fear and what kind of person we look up to. There’s psychology, physics, sociology, anthropology, a lot of sciences that are illustrated in those genres. What do you think? Is this stuff crazy, dumb, useless, or useful?

via Yahoo: A class to die for: Zombies 101 at U. Baltimore.

via Major Spoilers: Dr. Coogan Drops By