
Hopelessly romantic…or fool

The phrase hopeless romantic has been thrown around haphazardly as of late. I’ve been known to use that phrase time and again. But what is a hopeless romantic? Its a person who loves love, they are fascinated by the happily ever after and the fairytale of true love. So is that wrong? Well, as a man who believed in that, and am jaded at the moment, I don’t think so. In a world that’s so narcissistic, and so cynical, some hopeless romantics are needed. They keep the balance and give hope that the movies, the books, the poetry all know what they’re talking about.

Maybe its an escape from realism. Not every relationship is perfect, and I think even the hopeless romantic knows this. But there are some that are straight from a fantasy world, where its all peaches and gravy. Their eyes light up for each other each time they see one another. I’m not saying that’s not possible, but its an exception to the rule. I guess the reason why I’m bringing this all up is because romance is dying and the need to just sleep around has reigned supreme. Which is fine, I think that’s a perfectly fine lifestyle, and luckily its easy to get into that lifestyle…for the most part.

As jaded as I’ve become, I kind of like the hopeless romantic mindset and find it sad that its not a more accepted concept. It hearkens to a time that was simpler, and where people loved wholeheartedly without discretion. I had that once, and I know it could possibly happen again. I think that’s the goal of a lot of my advice and warnings about relationships. Its a lot of hard work to make a relationship happen. Its harder than breaking up, which many times is the easy way out. Now, I only think a relationship should be struggled to fix if the good years outweigh the bad. If you have only months in your belt, then…pfft…jump get rid of them. Problems that arise that early and that quickly can only lead to more.

Okay, so I lack a single coherent thought in all this. If you are a hopeless romantic, don’t let anyone dissuade you. Just because there are people out there who would rather live in a cloud of cynicism doesn’t mean you can’t continue to dream. That’s what’s so great about the hopeless romantic…they continue to dream. And what’s so bad about that?