
Facebook & Virtual Sex (not related)…a reality!


Geek Love Radio is officially on Facebook. Yay??? Well, it makes it easier to keep track of the podcast and the blog as it will be updated with new posts and episodes and the like. Plus, who isn’t on Facebook? So check it out today at:

Geek Love Radio on Facebook

Don’t forget to Like it when you get there!


I think the Japanese have it right when it comes to the socially awkward and the ones who prefer video games to real flesh and blood girlfriends. I’m not one to judge, because sometimes its just easier to have a virtual girlfriend than a real one, and plus…well, let’s face it. No matter how much advice/suggestions I give, not everyone has “game”. Pun intended. So for those who have no skill in flirtation or is too shy to get a girl, then there’s a video game for you.

The game is Love Plus Plus(link attached to the image…but its all in Japanese), and its a Nintendo DS game where you do your best to make your virtual girlfriend happy. And you want her happy don’t you? You and your DS love muffin share interests, and keep each other company and…just love digitally! And who wouldn’t want digital love?

Well, this game takes it a step further as a resort in Japan caters to these gamers by providing a virtual summer vacation and romantic getaway for you and your video game girlfriend. There are areas throughout the resort where you can take pictures, using your iPhone, and the image displayed is you and…the virtual girlfriend. She’ll be there with you, showing how much she is enjoying your time together.

Okay…I know what you’re thinking…you have to be pretty sad if you do this kind of stuff. I think its pretty awesome, and a look into the future. When sex becomes augmented reality, and your girlfriends are made up of 1’s and 0’s, it may become a much quieter and simpler time where rampant baby making slows down and the population of the world evens out. Besides, as one resort attendee said, they use Love Plus Plus, and this limited resort engagement…(its over now), to practice how it will be like to be with a real life girlfriend. See? Its practice.

And when you’re practicing with your video game girlfriend, she may want to get intimate with you. That’s where Mojowijo comes in. If you’re a proud Wii owner, and you want to get funky, Mojowijo has made some pretty handy accessories for your Wii remote where you and your lover…(real life lover)…can have some virtual sexy time.

It works like this. One person moves one remote and the action is mimicked by the other Wii remote. With those action you and your partner can be sharing some virtual love making. No Wii required, just turn on your Skype and you can do it like you were in the same room. Again, another brilliant idea in my mind. Especially since I think there are more and more long distance relationships. And don’t you want your partner physically happy since you can’t be there to take care of it at the moment? Don’t you?

To come out this Fall, which…isn’t it fall already? They have a Facebook page, so just look up Mojowijo if you’re interested. But as you can see, this technology is becoming more prevalent in our society. We’ll soon be just loving each other from a distance, or loving some fake girlfriend. Is that a scary thought or just progress?

Wow, I wrote a lot. But you know, its sex, its a video game girlfriend and its fun. Who doesn’t get a kick out of this? I know I do, and I love how imaginative and creative the world has become to satisfy our needs. We have needs people, lets make it happen.

via CNET: Virtual Girlfriends http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20015133-1.html

via SF Weekly: Virtual Sex http://blogs.sfweekly.com/shookdown/2010/08/mojowijo_wii_vibrator.php