
Brains….brains….grrr…arg…not zombie related…but emotional stuff…

Wow, is it just me or am I making less and less sense nowadays with my titles. I mean, seriously, I realize I’m “trying” to be funny, and failing miserably at it, but wow…I think I’m getting desperate. Anyway, I’m rambling because my phone just crapped out on me and I don’t want to buy a new phone. Yeah I know, boohoo for me, but man…this sucks…anyway, onto what I wanted to talk about.

I was a Psychology major in college and received a degree in it as a result. (warning, don’t just get a bachelor’s and maybe you shouldn’t take psychology as a major in general. Seriously, its a sucky major in the job market and you’ll only get crappy jobs…that’s been my experience. Don’t do it, be something else. I don’t care if its an easy subject and its all fascinating. DON’T DO IT! Thank you.) As much as I enjoyed the subject and learning about how the brain worked, it was all mostly theory. Its a science, but not an exact science like chemistry or physics. Still, I find it fascinating how we study behavior and all those crazy things attached to it. Why do we have feelings and why do we love? All crazy if you really think about it, because those things are intangible. We can’t touch love, we can’t break sadness, physically. Trust me, I’ve tried. And yet, in the world of psychology, there is a way to test if you’re emotionally intelligent. Of course, you can pretty much figure out if you’re smart, but are you emotionally competent?

Well, I’m not going to bore you with the details, I’ll let you read it on your own if you’re interested, but if you decide to step through the looking glass, so to speak, you’ll find out whether you’re a person who actually feels for those people around you and know your own emotions. Do you know that you’re not mixing up anger with sexual frustration, or realizing that’s why you’re all pissed off in the first place because you’re not getting any? Maybe you’re a cold, heartless person who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves?

Maybe you don’t care about that stuff, but why don’t you care? Do you care that you don’t care? Well, there’ll be a link in the end of the post if you want to find out more. But I only bring this up because I’m noticing more and more narcissistic people out there. Not to say narcissistic people don’t give a crap about anyone else, but we are a me-centric society. What’s up with that? And then there are the group-centric types like other countries in which I feel wrong to name. Are we not emotionally smart enough to know that it not all about us? Is empathy really a dying breed? Are we all just becoming selfish buns-holes?

We live around people, we’re surrounded by the living horde (not as cool as zombie horde), and we have to deal with these people. So is it just better to be ALL about #1 all the time? Isn’t that the question plagued everyday on this blog and Geek Love Radio? We’re selfish but do we need to be? Okay, enough with the questions, let me know what you think. Until then, check out the link below for more, check out the show Psych, on USA, its a great show…hilarious, and umm…I have a phone to fix.

Emotional Intelligence: http://webhome.idirect.com/~kehamilt/ipsyeq.html