
Why Booz = more sex…really?

I’m normally not a drinker and I know that drinking leads to more sex, and I figured it didn’t need to be studied. Its a fun fact for those who like to drink and party, why question something that got you what you wanted, both guys and girls? Well, I guess some people in London thought it was necessary to figure out why being drunk gets you more tail. The answer IS actually pretty fascinating. Look, not that I watch the Jersey Shore or anything, but I happen to know some of the terminology and there was an actual episode that proves this research right.

I don’t know their names, except for “The Situation” (who can forget that?), but three guys were out at a club and they were partying it up, getting their drink on, and afterwards, I guess they took women home. Now, they were of varying degrees of attractiveness, from unattractive to maybe attractive. That’s when one guy sobered up enough to notice that they were surrounded by “grenades”. I believe that means they’re butter faces? Either way, while they were inebriated, the women were hot, their asymmetrical faces unrecognizable to the drunk men.

Yeah, evolutionary psychologists believe that symmetrical faces are more attractive than asymmetrical. As such, the Jersey Shore guys couldn’t tell that the women they took home were unattractive, and lacked that facial symmetry. I guess that’s important because sober guys were able to point out the symmetrical faces much more easily and found those faces most attractive. So what does that mean to you?

Drink up boys and girls, and if you’re…*cough* ugly *cough*, then maybe you need to get the other person drunk immediately. Let the alcohol flow. Wouldn’t hurt, and you get a +10 to getting lucky and at least a +3 to attractiveness.

via: ABC News