
Happy Father's Day, now stop being a pushover!

Well, I wanted to combine my Father’s Day wishes to all the dads out here, working hard being a dad. The closest I’ve ever been to being a dad was being a councilor at a group home. It was weird to get acknowledged by the parents and relatives that we were like Dad-lite, but I definitely appreciated the Father’s day wishes. Anyway, thanks Dad! Too bad you don’t know go online much.

Now the second part of that little title was for myself and my friend. We’re both givers, we love to help others for the sake of helping others. But I’m beginning to see, that some of the people I’ve helped over the years may have taken advantage of me. Yeah, you’re not supposed to expect anything in return, but you do wish they’d return the favor. I guess that’s all about the nature of the selfish beast. We have a tendency to want things for the work that we do, a reward or compensation. Its rare to find someone who is so willing to give and not ask for anything back. And that can be a problem.

As noble as those people are, anyone keen on their generosity will do their best to take advantage of it. They’ll try to use you for one thing or another, and keep using you without any intention of showing appreciation other than a thank you. Now is that enough for the giving person who just invested time in helping others? Well, my friend would certainly argue yes, but I would say NO! The moment you allow that to happen is the moment you get walked on, and you’ll be walked on for the rest of your life. Now I’m not saying my friend’s a pushover, but she leaves herself open to be one.

Learn to say no. Don’t lie, don’t make up excuses, just say no, I’m sorry. What obligation do you have to those people who take advantage of you? None! Maybe you’re someone who never needs the favor returned, well, okay. That’s fine. Then say you’d love to do it if they treat for lunch or something. Its non-assuming, and at least you’re getting SOMETHING out of it. What do you all think? Just keep doing because its the right thing to do or expect at least some kind of compensation for all the work you did?