

I have learned another lesson, that I think I need to share with those who actually read this blog. (Thanks by the way.) I learned that we really need to continue to look inside ourselves, AND THINK before you talk. Or at least be aware of what you’re saying or doing. You want to be aware of what you’re doing wrong or right when you approach a person.

I learned that I creeped my ex-sister in law, and my ex-brother in law’s girlfriend, by the way I looked at them. I don’t know how I looked at them, but I guess it was in a way that made them uncomfortable. I think it was mostly me being lost in thought and my depression, and just staring at them. I know that would creep anyone out and make me look like the weirdo, but I wasn’t in a good state of mind, and so I guess I was a weirdo. I stared at the my ex-brother in laws too, but they didn’t seem to care. Now, I’m only speculating that I stared at them, and I most likely will NEVER see them again, but if I was paying attention to myself during that time, even a little, maybe I won’t do it to someone else. I honestly don’t know how I looked at them, because I WAS in a depression, and I WAS a little screwy in the head. And maybe I still AM. 

Its tough keeping yourself in check, not that you should have to, but you should at least just be aware of yourself in case someone tells you you’re creeping them out. That way you can correct yourself. Its just a suggestion, and something that may prove valuable one day. Blah, I’m tired. Its been a long day. Just watch what you’re doing, think before you talk, and all that good stuff. If you don’t do any of that and things are going good, you can ignore anything I’ve just written. Wow, I am tired…you guys rock out with your socks out.