
Let's go out on a date…but first, let me check my phone.

Okay, yeah, I really have to work on those post titles, but I wanted to talk about how dating is becoming a much easier “ordeal” thanks to smart phones. More and more people are giving up their feature phones for smart phones. There is a greater connection to your life there with instant e-mail and twitter, and facebook all on a handheld device. Its pretty amazing when you think that more and more people are keeping a mini computer in their pocket at all times. Its so convenient. And what makes it even more convenient are the apps, and those apps are just making it easier on everyone. Especially those dating or going out for for the first time. Finding something to do and places to go is a breeze.

When I was dating and doing all those things, it was actually hard. Yeah, I had the internet, but finding a place to go or things to do was still a multi-website adventure. Research, customer reviews, you had to do your homework in order to find a good place to take your girl or guy out. And before the internet, you had word of mouth and that was even harder because you had to rely that your sources were good. Now…its just way too easy.

Its easy to get into a funk when you’ve dated for awhile. People get comfortable doing the same old things every week, or month, and with money being tight nowadays, its almost impossible to do anything outside of the house. That’s where those apps come in handy. Thanks to those apps on my phone, I’ve found places to go for free, things to do for free, and its amazing. Concerts, parks, even cheap movies are now at my fingertips. I know it sounds like I’m trying to sell people a smartphone, but that’s not why I’m talking about it. Its just amazing to me.

I mean, the places available for free may not be for everyone, but even when you have the money, you can use these apps to find out what’s going on around you to the big conventions, to the small karaoke bar. All I’m saying, is that we live in a crazy world, where everything and everyone comes together so easily and so quickly. And there really are so many different things to do, we sometimes forget there is more to life than what’s in front of us.

I guess I just want to encourage you all to go out there, discover with the one your with…or even if you’re flying solo…find new worlds and make new experiences. And don’t forget to take pictures and put them up on Facebook. Share the love.