
I'm all for women's rights, especially the one that involves breasts.

Normally I’m not a political person. I don’t advocate for this, that or the other thing. I really am not like that, and I don’t like to force my view points on other people. But I think in this case I am going to make an exception. Because I think that people should be aware of a big concern some women have had for awhile now. I am also concerned by this issue because…well, I think women should be able to flex the rights given to them by the Constitution, and its kind of hot.

You may think I’m being tongue in cheek about this, or maybe you don’t necessarily understand where I’m coming from. I am teasing this little deal way too long, but honestly, what I’m about to present is a bit NSFW. So be aware, not because its sexual in nature, but because its got breasts in them. Link and the like after the jump/break/whatever.

Yep, this Sunday, August 22, 2010, is the National Go Topless protest, put together by GoTopless.org. Women all over the country are fighting for the right to bare their chest as men do. The link below to the site gives a pretty good description as to why its being done, and it is considered a serious enough issue to have done this year in and year out. Its not about sexuality, its about the right to be equal to men. Men can go about bare chested on the streets, no problem. You see it all the time at beaches, or on very hot days, where men who are and aren’t well built walk about strutting their pecks and the like. Women, not all mind you, but those who participate in the event, want that same freedom.

I personally see nothing wrong with this, as I think we are an over-sexualized society to begin with. We admire women and ogle women and we are already undressing them in our mind’s eye. Not every man does this, mind you, but I do think most do. I’m not an advocate to say “All men do…” insert action here. There are always exceptions to the rule, but that’s beside the point. Men like to look, we’re visual beasts, and we do enjoy nudity. That’s the argument against the right to bare chest, but really…what’s the harm? We already admire the ladies clothed, but unclothed? Why not?

Well, I guess I am biased because I’m a guy, and maybe I give a pretty weak argument, because I admire the human body… Alsothe naked body is so easily accessible now, thanks to the internet. Its a part of everyday life as sexuality is being more and more accepted. Anyway, there is a petition on the site, and I am thinking of attending my local protest to show my support. I see nothing wrong with any of this and it could be a lot of fun.

http://gotopless.org for more.