
I heart Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Well, I’ve watched the movie for a third time, or is it fourth? I don’t know, but it is awesome every time. And I will explain why I think its awesome, well…just to me I guess, and how it reached the top as my favorite movie. First off, I love the 80’s video game references and sound effects, such as the ones from Legend of Zelda. The humor is subtle, natural and not forced. It was fun to just watch a movie that tickled my funny bone without having to be too blatant. Then of course, there is the music, which…for some reason I found great. The soundtrack to me, is worthwhile and an investment for my ears. Then the fighting. The choreography was more or less spot on, though I nitpick and notice the anticipation of the next move, but that’s just me.

The actors, well. I know not everyone likes Michael Cera, and he’s not the greatest, but he definitely fits the part of Scott. I’m not going to critique too heavily or give a play by play of each character, but I thought everyone in the movie was excellent and I recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it yet. Its not what you expect, its got a love story, its got humor and action, and its a sight to see. You have to give a movie credit when a couple of ladies exit the movie theater who don’t look like nerds or geeks and profess how much they loved the movie. That’s a thumbs up in my book.

Finally Edgar Wright is a great director, loved his other movies like Hot Fuzz. So again, go see, it, give it the love it deserves, and I may see it yet again if I feel compelled. Until then, the video game and the comics will suffice. Heh, when I heart something, I guess, I heart it a lot.