
Women are so cruel…take 2!

Okay, you’d think I’d get this whole blog thing and podcast thing down by now. I’ve been doing it for months, and I still find myself screwing it up in one way or another. This time I get a blog entry done, all proofread and everything, and I close the tab. I CLOSE THE TAB!!! All my “hard” work, gone. That’ll teach me to not use Word or something. So I guess you’ll have to get a not so good version of my previous post.

The skinny is, women are cruel. Yes I know men are cruel, but women are pretty evil when it comes to taking advantage of men. Women more or less are aware of their ability to manipulate and control men. They have the power when it comes to sex, relationships, and pretty much everything. With a smile there, a wink, or some cleavage, a woman can get almost anything they want or get away with anything. Maybe you’ll recall in the news about the guy in France who got distracted by a pair of exposed breasts and that woman’s accomplice went and stole money from his account. Either women are incredibly smart or we guys are incredibly stupid.

Still, I’ve always argued that in a sense, men are simple creatures and we are easily pleased. If we like what we see, taste, feel, etc, we’re pretty content. No complications there, and the horrible part is that women know this and take advantage of this. Women are fully aware of our “weaknesses”. Men have a harder time figuring out women due to their subtleties and…well, other things. That’s for another post for another time, but know that in GENERAL, women are more complex and harder to understand than men. Which is why the ladies have us figured out. They know how to push our buttons to do as they please.

That’s probably why AskMen.com came out with this list that I have to say is true. There are probably more than ten ways how women are cruel, but this list encompasses the spirit of the idea, and I thought I’d go through it real quick and you can get all the details in the link below.

10: She doesn’t pick up her phone.
– Meh…I guess.

9: She uses you for free drinks.
– I don’t drink, so I’ve never bought a girl a drink, but it doesn’t just translate to the bar where I know women have gotten free drinks with the right words, looks, and empty promises. It occurs in plenty of other places and other things.

8: You’re used as a placeholder.
– This may have happened to me where I was there, for some reason until my ex found a more suitable man to replace me with. I can’t say for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised. That’s why they cheat, no?

7: Emotionally manipulate you.
– It may be a little unfair as men do the same thing to women too. Maybe not to the same extent, but it does happen.

6: Use physical violence.
– Never experienced this one, but I can see the double standard.

5: They criticize you in public.
– Another thing I’ve not experienced, but I have been around a few men who’s ladies like to berate them, humiliate them, and pretty much explain what a waste of space they are in public. At least it gives me a good laugh. Still cruel though.

4: They don’t tell you their relationship status.
– Kind of weak, but I mean…at least if you find out after all that flirting that they’re taken, at least you have a potential friend you’d like to f…never mind.

3: She withholds sex.
– That just hurts ladies…seriously…it sucks…our greatest weakness and desire used against us. Evil…

2: She’ll test you.
– Tests make me anxious. Luckily you won’t know you’re being tested and that’ll be used against you.

1: They flirt to make you jealous.
– An extension of the testing. Women love attention, and men do too, but I don’t think we’ll insight jealousy just to get it.

For more information and more details on this, please visit the site below. So, in conclusion? Don’t you think women are cruel? Some are…and that’s just wrong. So educate yourselves now gentlemen, because when you know what to look for, you’ll know that you may be better of dumping that bitch.

via ASKMEN.COM: http://www.askmen.com/top_10/dating/top-10-cruel-things-women-do-to-men_1.html