
I'm sorry…I only date hot people.

I’m a modest person, and a realist. I know I’m not handsome, or cute, but I don’t think I’m horrible to look at. Though, if I were to label myself in the looks department, I don’t know what I am honestly, but I do know I have a great personality? But that’s beside the point, we’re shallow people in general and no matter who we are, or our status in life, we like to look at and ogle hot, sexy people. If I was incredibly attractive, I’d carry a mirror with me everywhere. And maybe you are aware you’re one of these gorgeous human beings, with your perfect, hair, teeth, body, and life. All right, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you don’t know or don’t think you’re beautiful. Then here’s a dating site that will settle the argument once and for all.

BeautifulPeople.com is your one stop shop for the hottest people on the internet for your dating pleasure. And how do you know these people are incredibly good looking? You have to be voted in to even be a part of the site. You send in an application and the existing members decide where you are worthy to join them amongst the ranks by voting on your beauty. And if you don’t make the cut, there’s a handy little page on there that will show you who they rejected so you can compare yourself to the ldquo;ugly rdquo; people. That way, if you think you look like said people, you can save yourself rejection and just stay away in general

I suppose I’m being fairly facetious about the whole thing, but to me, the site makes perfect sense. We’re all visual people (yeah, men more than women), and we probably prefer to be around attractive people despite their personality. We’ll even excuse a bad personality sometimes if the person is good looking enough. But despite my sarcasm, I think that it was only time before there was a more ldquo;elite rdquo; eharmony kind of site where only the cr egrave;me de la cr egrave;me make it in.

What do you think about this site? Do you think you’re worthy to join or do you think its an atrocity, just made to make people with low self esteem want to hide under a rock even more?