
You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead. (Well, its actually graphite, but then it wouldn't make sense.)

I don’t know about you all out there, but I’ve found myself a time or two, misreading the signals of people around me. Sometimes I think that they have one thing on the mind when they really have another. I don’t know if people intentionally lead other people on, but I do know that some people do it with the utmost intent. I know that women flirt and do all sorts of things just to get their way without any return for the guy (as was featured on an episode of “The Guild“). I know guy’s do it because they like the attention without any interest in the girl. But what if you’re unintentionally doing it?

Obviously(?), if you don’t know you’re doing it, then you can’t be blamed for its negative consequences. Sure the girl or guy may think you’re into them, and they may be into you, but if you don’t know what the hell is happening, how can you prevent the wrong signal being sent? Normally I would have some kind of words of wisdom (haha…wisdom…me?) or some sort of suggestion, but at this time I don’t because I don’t know if I do it.

Part of me thinks that people are interested in me, its my ego…what can I do? I want to be wanted, and want to be liked, and want to be desired. It happens, and its okay for a person to want those things. But what if you unknowingly send out the wrong signal to people who you have no interest in, just to fuel these illusions of grandeur? Am I using that phrase wrong? Either way, if you’re noticing attention from people you normally wouldn’t be getting that much attention from, you may want to check yourself, before you mislead them into thinking you’re interested in them (wreck yourself).

Of course, if you’re oblivious like I am, then you may not notice you’re doing anything and you may not notice anyone having interest in you. Because I honestly still don’t know when someone is flirting with me or not. I think its just a polite nature most of the time. Anyway, start looking, start being aware of your possible flirtatious way, and stop! Unless you like the attention and don’t care who you let down or hurt. Then, stop anyway, you (insert witty insult here). But most importantly, ask the people around you. Ask them if they think is going on between you and said person who all of a sudden is all over you. What they have to say, may go a long way.

By the way, I seem to like putting things in (parenthesis).