img via the Celebration GameWell, I don’t rant enough because honestly, there’s a lot of things out there to hate. Don’t hate people, but get really annoyed over things that bother you. I may have mentioned this before, but it normally takes a lot to bother me. My fuse is pretty long, but its only because I don’t show my irksome demeanor! Yeah, that’s right, I’m not menacing, but that’s beside the point. First thing I’m going to rant about is…well, in relation to my previous rant on PDA. Ass holders! And later…movie talkers!
You see them everywhere you go, a happy go lucky couple just going about their business when all of a sudden, the guy…boyfriend/husband/whatever…places his hand on his lovely ladies butt, and walks around like he’s holding her hand. Really? You need to rub that booty while you’re doing your errands? That’s worse than any kind of PDA, its molestation…of our eyes! No one wants to watch some guy walking around who’s hand is magnetically drawn to her butt, and he apparently can’t fight the magnetic pull of her hind quarters.
Maybe he’s making sure her glutes are still in shape. Maybe she sat on gum, and he went to take it off her pants. I might even accept if her ass disappeared on occasion and he was just checking to make sure it was still there. No matter the reasoning, its totally unnecessary and is an assault on the eyes. I admit, I wasn’t a PDA person, but I am less an exhibitionist. So gentlemen, really, we get she’s got a great bum and you’re reminding us we are not the one’s tapping that patootie, but we can see it. Most men are probably staring at it as they’re walking behind you guys. No need to emphasize what we’re already not getting. Thank you.
img via mysafework.comNEXT!! I went to watch a movie and it was decent, nothing spectacular. But I was there, as a I do, watching a movie and trying to just enjoy life. There in my row, a lone woman, just sitting there, engrossed. So engrossed in fact, that she decided to commentate on the movie. “Oh sh**!” “No, don’t do that!” “Aww…come one!” Yeah, that kind of person. Now, there were about a dozen plus other people in the theater, and yeah there was murmuring, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying. I’m not going to hate on those people because I do the same thing when I’m watching with other people. But, this woman, was loud…and seemed personally effected by the movie.
Okay, I realize people are oblivious to others! We live on our own little world, our islands feeling like miles apart. But you’re just sitting across from me lady, shut up! Be enthusiastic, enjoy the mediocre movie, but keep it to yourself. (Of course I’m biased…I’m still theater hopping to watch Scott Pilgrim…hit 10 times. Yes I get I’m a little obsessed. I’m getting over it slowly) Not to make light of a serious condition, but MAYBE she can’t help herself and she has to call out. Maybe she’s on the phone and giving a play by play to her friends. Whatever the reason, there’s none good enough to assault our ears with the mundane reactions to things that aren’t even happening to you, lady!!
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. So many people go to the movies nowadays just now knowing that silence is flipping GOLDEN! Maybe I’m just getting old, and hating those kids that have the desire to make some loud comment on what just happened on screen. The lady in the previous anecdote was older than I was, but only by a decade or two. Its dark, its hard to tell. But teenagers…some of them can be so irritating. Especially in a group. “Look how cool I am, I’m talking all loud and annoying people in a theater and they can’t do anything about it.” Yeah, I’m not confrontational, but I really wanted to at least tell the theater people that these kids were ruining my movie watching experience. Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m a lover not a fighter people.
Okay, I’m done ranting. I’m off my soap box, though…who gets on a soap box nowadays. Stop people, really, no more ass grabbing and just sit, watch the movie, and laugh on cue. Okay? Okay!