
I don't even know what to call this post.

Nowadays, when people are struggling, and good news is few and far between, it becomes harder and harder to keep up appearances. You’re trying to make ends meet yet at the same time trying to appease family and friends. They don’t know the true turmoil you’re going through, or the struggles, because you put up that facade. Its almost like you hide your reality from them because you’re afraid to face reality yourself. Whatever your reasoning is, I have been told time and again that your attitude dictates your future. That if you let all the crap in the world get to you, its going to shape your reality, but it also works if you stay positive and optimistic.

Your time will come, or you will get a break, all things I’ve heard one time and again. The thing is, as hard as it may be to accept it, its true. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. I don’t know how soon, because I can’t predict the future. But if anyone out there is struggling through a hard time, where their only real escape is the internet, mostly because its free, then I understand where you’re coming from.

The funny thing about the internet is that you don’t know who you’re talking to and who you’re reaching. But that’s why I keep putting these messages out there, because maybe this will reach someone in need of some hope, some encouragement. Find the motivation to keep standing no matter what’s happening. And if you fall, its okay. Everyone falls at one point or another, especially the really successful. Because this isn’t just a pep talk, or an everything is going to be okay kind of rambling. Its just…who knows who’s reading this? Maybe its something you needed to hear to give you the motivation you need. Or if anything, let’s you know that there are people out there like you, who could be your friend, your confidant or an ear to listen.

Good luck out there, people, and be well…