
What's A Good Title? Oh, Stop Nagging & Start Passion-ing…?

I don’t know why I have to write every post with a question mark, well not every post, but a lot of them are questions for some reason. Anyway, that’s not the point now is it? As days pass, and the cold settles in for the winter, I am learning more and more everyday. I don’t know how much of that I’ll actually retain, but hey, I’m learning something, so that’s always good. First off, I want to talk about the things you love.

The more I read other people’s blogs and them ore I peruse Vyou.com, the more I realize that people are really vocal about what they’re passionate about. And why wouldn’t you be? But I mean, they advertise it, they go on diatribes about it, and you pretty much learn that what they love, they love for a reason. All sounds pretty obvious right? But what if life threw a wrench into your plans, and you find yourself unable to do the things that you love, what would you do?

Well, that’s where what I learned comes in. No matter the situation, whether its personal, financial, emotional, whatever, you have to keep doing what you love. Like for me, even if there’s no one to do the podcast with me, I’m going to do Geek Love Radio, I’m going to write on the blog whenever I can. I am going to do the things I really enjoy, but now there are hurdles popping up everywhere of all types. And maybe that’s what’s happening to you.

The thing is, if you ever intend to make anything out of what you love, even if its just for fun and its therapeutic, you can’t let anything stop you. What I mean is, if you love what you do enough, you’ll find a way to do get it done. In the moment, I felt like, “Oh my God, I won’t be able to podcast anymore, or chat with my friends, its going to be devastating!” But it doesn’t have to be. After some calming down, I realized, I’ll make it work, one way or another. And it doesn’t matter how I make it work, as long as I make it work. Less reading, fewer video games, less tv, whatever it is I need to cut out, I’ll do to make room for what I’m passionate about and again…love. And that’s my suggestion/advice to you.

Secondly, I found out one of my biggest flaws, and maybe you share this flaw with me. I give advice and suggestions of what to do until your ears bleed. Its horrible, and something I shouldn’t do. But I learned it from my father, who to this day, continues to give me advice and suggestions until all I have left for the man is unadulterated loathing. Its a sign that a person cares, but its also good to keep an eye out for signs that…maybe what you’re saying doesn’t mean anything to them. I mean, you can tell a person, “Hey, you should really do that because that’s what’s best for you,” so much before they start tuning you out. And then, you’re doomed.

That saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink is so true. Now, I realize that its pretty common sense, but you normally don’t notice yourself doing it until someone does it to you. And you may realize, “Wow, I do that myself, all the time.” Its kind of annoying, yet its a part of who you are. Just realize, that letting a person know is great, but you really have to know when to stop, because there will be a time when your good advice will be nothing but white noise.