Via: STORNO 8BIT SESSION!Usually I like to write about something out there on the internet that deals with relationships. A new study, research, or maybe even discuss a person’s opinion on one thing or another. I realize this blog is really just a blog, and was originally meant to be about my own struggles and evolved into me wanting to bring to light things that might interest others and help people in some way. I’ve always wondered if what I wrote was too long, or two short or not interesting enough. I work off existing articles, sharing their opinion or trying to give my own and just hoped that people would get something out of it, even if it was just me sharing something I found interesting. I’m one of those weirdos who love helping people, and not to say other don’t, but I just have this sick need to help others when I can.
So here I am, looking at this blog, wondering what I’m going to write about. Wanting it to be good, to be worthwhile, and I realize, the one thing I really want to talk about and often avoid is love. I even wrote short stories about it, but not to emphasize love, though it may have seemed that way, but a way to kind of get over my own difficulties with selfishness and whatnot, just like the last one I wrote. I wonder if anyone read it. Either way, I have recently thought about love a lot because of what I’ve been seeing in people.
Everywhere I go, I’m reminded of how GREAT young love is. When you’re a teenager, or a young adult, you have this concept of love that makes every moment wonderful. You can’t keep your hands off each other, you’re too busy kissing every few minutes or holding each other in some way. Then, as you get older, that concept seems to fade. Couples are silent and walk side by side oblivious to each other’s company. Now I’m not saying this happens to everyone, I’ve only observed a few older couples, and when I mean older, I just mean older than young adults and teens. There a few adults holding hands, kissing, loving each other in a way that young love usually is, and its fantastic. But, from what I’ve seen, couples, as they get older, don’t try anymore and forget what its like to be in love for the first time. Hence high divorce rates and whatnot.
But I find that more and more people, or maybe its just the people I surround myself with, are becoming jaded with the concept of love. I have a couple of friends who are madly in love with their significant other and do everything they can to spread the word and share the news on Twitter and Facebook. I know, some of you out there are thinking how annoying that is, or how obnoxious that is. And that’s my point. We’ve got this weird idea that the word “love” is something we’ll never experience or never know with another person. And I’ll agree, love is an elusive emotion that is shared with few people, if you’re lucky to share it with anyone. I realize young love is also not necessarily genuine, and are probably just reactions to hormones and horniness. But we are jaded, we’re skeptical, and we only find our version of that emotion in music, movies or the written word.
There are anti-valentine’s day movements, which is technically the next celebrated holiday (yes, I know its not a real holiday), and there are people who mock those in the throws of infatuation and desire. People are afraid that if they open themselves to the idea of love they’ll just be hurt, because all people are disappointments. Yet, dating websites are flourishing, and the online means of finding a person’s “mate” is growing. Even those worn out by it all still hold out for some kind of hope, otherwise, why put any effort?
All in all, I guess it just saddens me a little that love is a dying idea, just like marriage. I know I’ve loved before, I know I am capable of feeling that emotion, and I know it’ll come back again someday. I just hope you all out there keep searching, or keep at it when you find it. We live in a dark and dreary enough world as it is. Why not go through it with as much joy, and passion as we can find? Don’t close yourself to the idea, because you might be missing out on something great. What is your concept of love? Do you think its futile to have that adoration towards another? What are your thoughts?