Young Woman Bored by Petr KratochvilIn our society its getting easier and easier to get bored. With so much inundating us all at one time, from the internet, to all the TV shows you “need” to watch to easy access to all sorts of news and information, its easy to get that stuff, absorb it and move on. We are so easily bored that we can’t just stick to one thing at a time, we have to multitask in life, we have to be busy almost 24/7. Like myself, I am online watching a tv show while on my iPad looking up crap at the same time. If there’s ever a slow part of the show I’m watching I go to my iPad to look up stuff online or check on my kingdom on You Rule. This fast paced lifestyle has spilled over, I think, into our relationships.
Now with family and friends, we’re pretty good with for the most part. We do things with them every once in awhile, we don’t see them that often usually because of our hectic work schedules or maybe all these hobbies and events we’re attending, so they seem relatively unharmed by our inability to pay attention for very long. But those people we date, those people we see day in and day out because we’re so madly in love, become a problem.
There are many theories as to why relationships don’t work. They’re theories because they don’t apply to everyone, everyone becomes unsuccessful for different reasons, but the idea of being bored is one that I keep hearing a lot. Now I hear this much equally from men and women, that’s why men cheat and that’s why women break up. They get themselves into a relationship and its obviously all great at first, but instead of it taking years for a relationship to get stale, it almost happens in mere months. People who were once unable to keep their hands off each other are too busy doing other things like playing video games or watching TV. Not that, that’s a bad thing, but if it’s preferred over actually spending time with your significant other, then obviously that’s a problem.
This happens more in marriage than in dating. In dating, you’re trying way too hard to be interesting and to keep things fresh for it to get too bored. Even your personality changes up every once in awhile to keep your girlfriend on her toes or whatever. In marriage, as I’ve mentioned before, people get complacent and they stop doing anything fun and exciting. They get into a routine, and its no surprise that people get bored and leave. Why would you want to stay with someone who’s the same day in and day out and does the same things day in and day out? Who would want to live with someone who has the same routine everyday (minus work, of course)? Some people may find it endearing, comfortable, and there are those who can live in the same. Its familiar and warm and inviting, like a familiar blanket or the home you may have grown up in. Others, it drives them crazy. That’s why people divorce so quickly, break up so swiftly.
So what do you do? Are you victim to being the same old same old? Well, haha, I guess the suggestion would be pretty obvious, change it up a little. And I don’t mean to change it up to where its out of character. You don’t want to get a tattoo or go bungee jumping if you’re sensitive to pain or afraid of heights, but you’re all multifaceted people. You can find something in your bag of tricks that’s true to you. Change it up a little. Like myself, I like fine dining, where you have to dress up and everything. Now I don’t do this on a regular basis and probably haven’t done it in a long time, but I’d take a girlfriend out to a fancy restaurant far away that’s different and new and puts us in a new environment around new people. Its a small example, but it keeps it from being monotonous.
And people who are bored, be patient. Let your partner know you’re bored, that you aren’t happy with how things are. For some it takes time to find the motivation to get out of the funk, to break away from the routine. A lot of people get so comfortable they forget what its like to be spontaneous or do something different or interesting. Give them time before you cut the ties, let them try before you give up on them. But seriously, we all give up so easily, so quickly. The value of relationships is almost that of the penny. Its there, we can appreciate a penny, but we are so easily to let it go and to leave it behind without a second thought because its worth is just growing less and less. A penny doesn’t get you much nowadays. So if you’re one who wants to be in a relationship, who’s in one now, stay in it only if you value it If you don’t find value, find one that does, because if you its not worth much to you, then you’re already bored.