
If You're Not on Facebook, You're No Friend of Mine!

So here I am, going about my day being sick and being tired, and I stumble across this little ditty about Facebook written on Gizmodo. Now, I know people have weird opinions about that site, and I can appreciate weird. But this article, blog post, whatever it is, could not be ignored. And I’ll just give you the jist of it. It’s saying, you’re either on Facebook or you’re a loser. Now, I respect anyone’s opinion on the whole deal, I get where this guy is coming from, and I happen to agree with this guy. See, I have a couple of friends who refuse to join Facebook. They feel its a waste of time and all this crap, when really…it’s a way to connect. Now I don’t think I could be as harsh to those denouncers of Social Networks, but I do think they’re missing out on a huge opportunity to keep up to date with friends and family. Because who among us doesn’t put up posts about our everyday lives that really appeal to no one but ourselves. Lucky there are those handful of people who reply and like what we say, validating our mundane post.

I’m not going to point out all the negatives, but that post really got me fired up. I mean, I am truly realizing the potential of Facebook. If you want to go into the world of relationships, it allows us to look up and stalk the people we’re interested in. We get to see what they say, hear what they think, and share in what they find fun and interesting. Yet that’s not enough to convince my friends to give in and join the ever growing populace of this Facebook nation. And I look at it from a relationship point of view too, where it’s a much easier and less tedious way of hooking up with someone. What makes your profile unique with your likes and your posts to other people can be the potential basis for a relationship. I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again, but internet stalking can lead to some real, legit couplings.

So what more can I say to convince my friends who refuse to drink the Kool Aid? What other arguments can I put out there that will show once and for all the complexity and the ever loving union of people via social networking of any kind? How can I possibly feel okay leaving these people behind while we move forward? I don’t feel good about it, and I still try to put in sneaky little jabs to try to get them to at least think about joining.

Well, now this is where I disagree with this guy and his article. People have a right to refuse then latest and greatest when it comes to social networking. Who knows how long Facebook will last? And when it goes away, where will we be? Will there be another in the wings just ready to pluck us up when the time comes? I almost think that it makes our interactions less important and more lazy. We don’t have to put as much effort to keep in touch with friends and family as we can rely on the internet to bring us all together. Phone calls are obsolete, meeting in person is obsolete, hell…we as people have become obsolete. Our mobiles and our computers have become the ultimate in keeping up with the world around us. We are fed so much information that we miss out on the little things. Like…when two people fall in love. That status change can get lost in the feed. Our lives have become so wrapped up with Facebook that we get withdrawl symptoms if no one replies or likes what we wrote. It’s insane.

Yet we can’t give it up, no matter how hard we try. We’ll always come back for more, and keep reading our feeds in hopes of a glympse at the life of those around us. It has brought us from isolation, into a community. And that’s not too shabby if you think about it. What are your thoughts?

via Gizmodo: http://gizmodo.com/#!5792570/if-youre-not-on-facebook-its-time-to-get-over-yourself