Written by Dani:
So… feminists…
Yeah, you feel that? The air just got a lot more tense.
I’m not a feminist; I’m an equalist. I don’t expect being given the right to vote without also being expected to pull my own fucking weight.
“Yeah, I can open my own fucking doors but wait… you want me to lift BOXES? I mean, I know it’s equal opportunity employment but seriously? Oh hell no. Get the BOYS to do it.”
You fucking kidding me? Bras were burned so you could be seen as an equal but now you’re pussying out of lifting boxes?*
It really irks me when I begin doing some manual labor and people stop me because “you’re a lady.” How can I be expected to have anyone respect me if I refuse to do anything that requires more effort than filing my nails? But you know, I blame the lazy bitches for this shit. You stupid cunts who grew up being taught that you’ll amount to no more than sitting in an ivory tower, waiting for Prince Fuckwad to traverse rivers and mountains, slay a dragon and carry your fat ass away while you sit and swoon need to realize that you’ve fucked this shit up for the rest of us. I, for one, intend to kill my own damn dragon.
Image: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.netI’m not ok with being weak and relying on others to do shit I can do myself. Why the fuck are you? You twats are the reason people throw condescending smirks at any chick who decides to play on the boys’ team. If you want to be a dainty little rose, fine, but admit to being weak and dependent so those of us who aspire to be more akin to venus fly traps can finally break into jobs outside of secretarial positions without the stigma (which, by the way, YOU bought into and are furthering) holding us back. Yes, I’m aware there are women in power. CEOs, the Secretary of State and so on. But have you ever noticed that their gender is always worth noting? Why is that, I wonder? BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING UNUSUAL. And that needs to stop.
“I wasn’t built to carry crates.”
You have arms.
“Get the boys to do it.”
You have the exact same job and receive the exact same pay. Fuck you.
“I’m just really feminine by nature.”
Read: Lazy.
You might be asking yourself, “Why is this bitch complaining? We’re helping get her out of manual labor.”
I -like- manual labor. I like feeling as though I accomplished something at the end of the day. I like not feeling as though I got paid for doing less than someone else because of some bullshit social standard that states, “You have tits and therefore don’t need to work as hard.” I -want- to work as hard. It’s called integrity. You bitches are the reason we’re seen as women before we’re seen as people.
In conclusion… fuck you.