Image via: The Daily PoliticalThe New York governor has recently laid down the law and said to the people of his state, same-sex marriage is legal, something I honestly thought California would have down pat by now. With states so diverse with culture, with people of all types, and with a very accepting populace, you’d think we’d all be right there with Governor Cuomo in saying that the gay and lesbian community have the right to be married. Now, I know this has been covered a lot, it’s a big deal, and there’s definitely people out there talking about how gays and lesbians have a right to be as miserable as us straight folk in getting married, but it isn’t like that. It’s really the continued steps of a people who are all the same no matter what their sexual orientation is. The whole human being thing.
Now there’s been all sorts of debate and whatnot on this. People for years have been arguing to call it something different instead of marriage. “They already have domestic partnerships, why do they need to be married?” There are all sorts of arguments that seem to try and skirt the bigger issue. Fear of the unknown…or maybe it’s a hugely powerful religious…well, okay, this is not a political site or anything, and even if this whole same-sex marriage thing kind of borders on the political, it’s really all about the love. This means a whole group of people, who’ve been denied their ability to show off their affection in a more expressive and legal matter, are able to do so. And apparently able to do so in nine states in this nation.
This all harkens back to when interracial marriages were taboo. And having been in many an interracial relationship, I’m happy that it never became banned. Of course, we’re a much elss ignorant people now, and though there are still places who shun the coupling of two races, and in turn same genders, those are becoming fewer and far between. We as a society are finally getting the picture. And I look at shows like Doctor Who that really embraces the idea of same sex couplings, and though at times make light of it, often looks at it as a part of everyday life, which it is.
So to step away from the awesomeness of this new law in New York, I pose this dilemna to you readers. What if you were not allowed to show off your feelings, your love, your affection for someone because you were a nerd? Well, that sounds extreme doesn’t it? But that’s kind of what happened here. But in all seriousness, I think that one day we’ll encounter an alien race, some that may be very “Star Trek”-esque and resemble humans, and we’ll have feelings for these other worlders, and well…let the bow chicka bow bow ensue! What happens then, when those who don’t understand, who fear the unknown, try to suppress your want and right to be with the Sinolarian from the planet Alpha Numeric 9E? Though it hasn’t happened yet, still seems like it could possibly be the next big taboo. And I’m actually being serious here.
Now don’t get your knickers in a bunch, I’m not saying that homosexuals are like aliens, I’m just pointing out that it’s a lifestyle we can’t relate to, being straight, but we can relate to the emotional ties, the want to be with someone, and the desire to love unconditionally. Though I reference man crushes and guy love on the podcast, there’s no romantic or sexual attraction, so I would not necessarily understand that aspect of loving another man, but I can understand loving. So I think that’s where people had it wrong in the first place, and I hope this means this new generation is embracing the idea that love has no borders or walls or restrictions, it just is. So let’s accept and embrace.
So congratulations to the people of New York and from what I’ve read recently, Neil Patrick Harris for his engagement. Hopefully this means that the decades to follow will resemble that of Doctor Who and other such shows, that present to us a society that actually stops hating. A utopia for sure, and one that isn’t so far fetched an idea.