Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netIt was recently pointed out to me that I’ve gotten comfortable in my life. You know, complacent, fine, lazy, conforming, accepting the mediocre, etc etc. I’m content with the way things are, I’m okay with the way things look in the future, and I have very little ambition outside of the podcasts and this blog. I want to see Geek Love Radio, A Critical Moment of Awesome, and Sincere Sarcasm grow into bigger and better things. Of course that means that the content should be entertaining and informative, and all that good stuff. But the rest of my life, I’ve treated it like crap.
First off, I’m not doing anything to make my life better than it already is. I’m not actively seeking out better employment, I’m not networking and getting to know all sorts of people. I’m just living with what I have. Then there’s my health…could I chalk that up to my depression? Hell no! If I wanted to work out, I could. But what’s stopping me? What is preventing me from finding a quality relationship? What stops us as a people from just…reaching for something better? Why do we settle in our personal lives in careers, never going for that promotion or better opportunity? Why do we settle in relationships where our lovers are mediocre, some of our friends are just pulling us down and our family is allowed to belittle us (okay, I realize we’re kind of stuck with family)?
Now you may be saying, “Why the $#* ^#@($* is this guy preaching to us? What has he done?” Look, if you’re happy where you are, and you’re genuinely HAPPY, then you can just move on from this bit and move on with your life. But for those of us who aren’t quite there in our happiest spot, I bring to you this idea. We settle because we get comfortable. It’s human nature to want to just do what’s easiest and avoid anything difficult. I think we all can admit it to ourselves can’t we? Okay, maybe we can’t. I mean, that’s why we have this gigantic ravine between the lazy and the not so much.
Seriously think about the last five years. What did you do to make it better? And I’m not just talking about work, because you can be happy with aspects of your life and not want more, but I know that we all have bits and pieces of our life we aren’t just quite finding perfect. And sure, maybe you’ll never find that perfect anything, but why not at least freakin’ STRIVE for it! If you aren’t happy in your relationship, go find a better boyfriend/girlfriend. If you can’t find someone, use other methods like online dating or going to all sorts of conventions or parties or whatnot. If you’re unhappy with your test scores, then go study!! I realize it’s hard, and I realize people will get this burst of energy, this momentum…and momentum can die…but…why does it have to? If you don’t have the right support group, find it! Nothing falls on anyone’s lap. Not even the lottery. I mean, you DID have to go out and buy a ticket, didn’t you?
I’m telling you now, those out there who are just coasting by…we need to stop. Someone is going to hold you accountable, and that’s me. Yes, I’m just some disembodied virtual voice from a medium sized man who hosts various odd podcasts about weird stuff, but I’m alost the guy writing to you, telling you, that you have SOMEONE to answer to. If you won’t answer to yourself and make yourself culpable…uhh…accountable, then there’s me. Because as I’ve learned in this last year is that you can either raise yourself up, be the better person, and just improve whatever part of your life you’re unhappy with…or you can just close your eyes, pretend everything is fine just the way it is, and allow those thoughts that are screaming in your head for something better to just fade away into white noise. Which reminds me, they made a White Noise 2 movie? That’s no good.
So those out there, just know, that if you decide to go ahead and make this crazy hard decision, because believe me, life sometimes needs baby steps, then I’m there with you. This is my next step in my own life, to try to make things better than they already are. I got out of the bad, ended up in the shit, into the okay, and now it’s time to shoot for the better. So you won’t be riding solo on this one, I’m accountable to you and why don’t you write in ( so that you can be accountable with me. And we can kick ourselves in the ass together and actually acheive our own personal greatness. How awesome would that be? Well, it would be drowning in awesome sauce.