So, I started my workout and have been going strong for about the last two weeks. I’m running every other day. Okay, maybe it’s less of a run and more of a jog. Well, maybe less of a jog and more of a stumbling forward. But you get the idea. Mixing that in with some push ups, crunches, and the ocassional weight lifting, I think I’m in the right direction to a better body. And a better body leads to a better mind, and a better mind leads to a better me. But I can’t just concentrate all of my time and effort into just looking good(?), I also have things I want to accomplish, things I need to do.
Image: scottchan / FreeDigitalPhotos.netMy buddy the other day was talking to me about how he doesn’t keep track of his expenses. And neither do I, I just try to keep a mental note of what I purchase and I’m pretty close to where I am in my bank account. But he was telling me that he’ll surprise himself and purchase little things that add up in the end. He did this so often that every month, he’s in shock that he has so little money left over from his paycheck. It’s almost like those dollar bills just evaporated, or in the very least, got up and walked away from his wallet. So what does that mean for me? Well, absolutely nothing. But it did give me a brilliant idea.
What if I organize my time like this guy should organize his money. I mean, they’re kind of the same thing right? Every hour is like a buck in my wallet, and each one I spend, I should probably spend wisely. Because if you haven’t noticed from my amazing writing skills (that’s sarcasm folks, I know I’m a novice/mediocre writer), but I love to write. I actually have several “book” and story ideas that I want to make a reality. I also have TV shows and movies I want to watch, books I want to read, video games I want to destroy. Are you following me here? And well, I can’t just spend my time every day willy nilly, just hoping things will fall into place. I actually have to organize my time, keep track of it, and spend my time wisely.
So that’s my challenge to myself and to you guys out there. Every hour is going to be spent doing something productive. For those of you keeping track, video games are something productive. I’m behind! I still have LA Noire and Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted 2 to beat! And you know those My Little Pony videos aren’t going to watch themselves. This book isn’t going to read itself either! And…and…You get the picture. So each day I’m going to give myself a few hours to play games, and watch my shows and movies, and write my stories. If I don’t GIVE myself that time, I won’t ever do it. Sure it’s not always going to go like clockwork, but if you think about it, that’s how people work at their jobs and get stuff done. And I’m not turning what I love into work, God no…if I did that, I’d probably want to just take myself out right here and now…to a nice vacation in the bahamas.
It won’t be easy. That means spending time sitting down, not being lazy and working out a schedule. It’ll be weird at first, but if you actually MAKE the time to do the things you love to do, you’ll actually be happier because you’re ACCOMPLISHING something. You’re also less likely to CAPITALIZE every other WORD. Try out with me, see where it goes, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll get everything you want done. If I had Excel, I’d totally put up a spreadsheet on here and show off my schedule, but that’s just nerdy!