WRITTEN BY: Dani, The Universe
You know those car rides you take with someone that end up really thought-provoking when one of you starts on a pretty casual topic and it escalates into something Dani decides to write an article about?
Totally didn’t happen to me recently or anything.
So without further ado… have you ever waited for someone to be single?
Believe it or not, I lack the… hormone or impulse or whatever it may be… that drives people to do this, so I can’t really explain the notion that well. So why am I writing on the topic, you might ask? Because it’s 2:37 in the morning, I just drove 2 hours from Tucson, I got a sugarfree Red Bull in me and this is the first time I’ve had access to internet on anything other than the 3G on my phone since I moved to Ari-fucking-zona. So suck it; this is happening.
Now that we got that out of the way, answer my damn question. Chances are, you probably have waited for someone you fancy to become available during the course of their relationship. Whether they were taken when you met them or they found someone else before you had a chance to… strike, I suppose, you sit around and you play the waiting game. You may not LITERALLY sit in front of their house with a watch and a calendar, watching the minutes tick by, but you may have found yourself tapping your fingers impatiently as you pray and hope for that Facebook status to change back to “Single.” Like I said, never done it myself, but this is how I imagine people to be because I have such high praises to sing for humanity and its tact.
via: Free Digital Photos.netWhat makes you think you have a chance though? Do you assume that the couple in question won’t work out in the end? How long do you wait? Do you remain friends while you wait? These are things I wonder.
I’ve seen some people wait years for someone else to free up and, good god, that is some dedication. Hell, I was once in a situation where I met a guy while I was in a relationship and so we proceeded to be just friends. A few months later, he finds himself a girl. A few months after that, I break up with my guy and he’s bashing his head in a wall because he didn’t wait as long as he thought he should have. Then I find a new guy myself and he remains with his girl. A year later, we both find ourselves single and decide to test the waters. (It didn’t end well. We’re still friends though.) But I wonder sometimes if it would have worked out in the very beginning if he had waited just those few extra months.
I can honestly say that, flattering though it may be, I’d rather not have anyone wait for me while I dated someone else. For one, it shows a bit of a pessimistic attitude toward my relationship with the person I’m with and that’s just kind of rude, yo. Secondly, I’d like to think other people won’t sacrifice their happiness for the sake of a gamble. Go, have fun, find a girlfriend, don’t sit around and hope for so long. It puts a lot of pressure on the person, you know? It’s almost as if I can HEAR them saying,
“Alright, it’s been MONTHS. When are you going to get into a big ol’ fight so I can have my turn?”
It’s not really easy to put an expiration date on a relationship, tempted though your desperate ass may be. It’s not a seasonal job where you can see the end coming around the corner; it’s two people, human beings, who have decided to give something a shot. At least I would hope so. At my age, it’s getting to be pretty damn pathetic still seeing people dating for the sake of dating but that’s a rambling for another sleepless night.
In any case, I’m going to go ahead and finish off with this:
“There are 3 billion women on the planet and you’re hung up on just one?”
-Some 4chan motivational poster
If you really think THAT girl… that one, right there… that’s the one and only you can ever see yourself wanting… well, I’d say you’re in a pretty bad place and you need to take a step out of your basement.