
Do What You Love

Today marks the day of Steve Job’s passing, and everywhere you turn on the internet you’ll find mention of it, and you’ll see people sharing their condolenses, and people sharing their memories. But buried within all of those well wishes and quotes from a man who is known as a visionary and a person who changed the world, there is a message…do what you love. A once in a life time person is sharing with the world how he became the man he was. A fantastic philosophy, a strong foundation for finding happiness, and the hallmark of what made this man great.

It’s funny, because I’m listening to Buzz Out Loud’s Remembering Steve Jobs, reading articles all over the place, seeing celebrities of all sorts talking about Steve Jobs, and thinking on my own life. No one can deny that he lived an amazing life, did amazing things, and no matter what kind of fan boy or girl you are, can respect the man for his innovations and his forward thinking. And again, amongst all that, the quotes, the videos, and the audio has that message of doing what you are passionate about and thus why I thought of my own life.

Right now I’m in a job I don’t intend to do forever. It is just a JOB. And many of us are doing just that, spending day in and day out doing something for the sake of doing something. For the sake of a paycheck and sustaining a life. But what about what you love, what you’re passionate about? Can we all simply drop what we’re doing, pursue what our intuition tells us and be successful? Well, if I were an eternal optomist, I’d say YES! But I’m a realist, and I say…maybe. We have the potential to achieve something awesome. Does suriving life mean we have to give up on our passions?

Of course not. Why can’t you do the mundane while working towards your dreams? We all need to maintain a living, but that shouldn’t stop us from pursuing what our heart desires. Though his death is sad, his inspiration is palpable and I feel renewed invigoration for my own pursuits such as the podcasts and this blog. It is a celebration of his accomplishments and his drive to be great, and I want to partake in that celebration by not giving up on what I truly love. I don’t care if I don’t become famous or become a millionaire from helping people, or entertaining people, but if I can make it my living, I would, and I would do it all the time.

I hope that from all these events we can all take that positive note from his life, that we too can find what drives us, do what we love, and know that it is possible to achieve, because even at the pique of Steve Job’s illness, he continued to innovate and change the landscape of technology with things he believed in and things that he cared about. He is a clear example that a person can do fantastic things despite dire circumstances. So even if it’s not going to make you money, or buy you fancy things, or free you from your 9 to 5, pursue those fantastic things that make you happy to wake up in the morning, because it can change your world and life, and who knows, maybe even the lives of others.