Every year the Christmas music keeps coming earlier. Thanksgiving hadn’t even passed yet and the music was already inundating our earlobes from at least one local radio station. Stores a plenty, I know, are already doling out the yule tide cheer, which I still have no idea what a yule tide is, but it’s apparently very cheerful. And though, I at least wait until AFTER Turkey day to even begin celebrating, I do start my holiday festivities early with the Rent soundtrack and Nightmare before Christmas. Dude…don’t judge me.
via iholidaywallpaper.comBut now that it’s over and we’re in the month of…hmm, I’ve gone blank on holiday cliches, it’s time to actually feel good even when the world around us is all going to crap. Yes, I realize there are a lot of people less fortunate or in hard times, but even when I was around those people, the holiday season, always seemed to lift their spirits. There’s something with the environment, or with the music and the lights, and maybe even the childhood memories that make this time of year special. I know I can’t help but think of all the great Christmases (if that’s what you celebrate) of the past, and looking forward to the one’s in the future. Where we give out gifts and truly forget about the bad and embrace the great.
Whether we spend it alone or with family and friends, we lose the Scrooge in all of us for at least one day, and embrace the food, the trees, the smells, and this all brought me to my own Christmas wish. I want to spend it in the city, amongst all the lights and people bundled up because it’s so cold. Trees, parades…okay, I can do without the parades…colors and again lights that just seem to make a city alive. More specifically, I’d like to have a Christmas in New York. So many movies, television shows, and bad romantic comedies stem from that place. There’s a magic there that seems to get lost elsewhere. I don’t know if it’s the hype of our ever unrealistic media, but I was there once, years ago, on Christmas day, and I loved it. There was snow, deadly ice, drunken Santas, but most importantly, just a spark in the air that said Christmas.
So what would your ideal Holiday getaway be? Where would you want to be on your Christmahannakwanza/Festivus?