
Ignorance Is Sad – High School Students Can't Answer Simple Trivia

I watched this video and I was not too surprised by the teens depicted. Of course, it could just be because I’m an old man inside this body and all teenagers just piss me off nowadays. I don’t know, maybe every new generation is brought up in a world where education is not that important anymore. Think about it, the big thing people like watching nowadays are reality shows. It’s all about celebrity, it’s about watching people live a life that they did not earn. The Kardashians, the “Jersey Shore”, even “The Bachelor” all talk about a world that tells all the young people, and even us older folk, “If I act like an idiot, I’ll be popular, rich, and people will like me.” Okay, maybe not in so many words, but really, those shows are entertaining, sure, but hold no value. “Oh my God, I can’t buy that Bugatti I wanted.” I wish I had those kinds of problems.

Now I try not to take EVERYTHING seriously, and I know I don’t do a very good job of it either, but this is a pretty sad and serious matter. I don’t care how old you are, and mind you, I normally associate with nerds and geeks of all shapes and sizes, so I’m luckily in good company, but there are people out there who have no idea how our world works. People are so happy to just kind of go along, being ignorant. There are so many smart, intelligent people out there who aren’t nerds or geeks, that just lack the proper…anything, it’s probably money their lacking. Those rich people sure know how to live, with their fancy educations and their…hmmm…

I know teachers, I have them as friends, and it’s amazing how much effort they put into the job. Some are very passionate about it, wanting dearly to see their students succeed. Others have given up, with our want it now society, the kids get easily distracted, lose interest or out right don’t care about what’s important in their lives. It’s almost like there’s this distinction, this ever growing crevice that separates people. As much as I hate to go into the whole 1%, 99% debate still going on today, there might be some truth to that. I’d like to share a quote my friend had in regards to this situation, and I think she might have a point.

Did you ever read “1984”? If not, read it. It’s a good illustration.

Keeping kids simple minded immediately makes a certain percentage of the population too low for the “good” jobs, so they are stuck with minimum wage. So, eliminate the middle class by putting them in minimum wage jobs. So what’s the point of that, right? Well, then the masses become easier to control. People become slaves to their debt. Look around, it’s already happening. Everyone can see that the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. It’s a true statistic that the middle class is shrinking. Why?

Oh, and another thing. Why are students who are going to university not any better off than high school graduates for the most part when it comes to being guaranteed a good job? All students get is debt up to their eyebrows that they can’t pay because they don’t have a job. Brilliant, right? Start people off in society as individuals who are in debt already? Talk about a fighting chance.

But I’m not bitter.

I wish people would open their eyes and see for themselves. Do the research. The U.S and Canada both are heading toward being a communist state. (GASP! That’s right, I said it. You watch.)

Am I nuts? Do the research and YOU decide. But then, that’s why those kids are so clueless, is because they just sit there doing things they find enjoyable in the present in stead of trying to think for themselves and where the future of society needs work. I hate to say it, but a lot of adults are just like those kids. We need to tear our eyes away from the computer monitor for long enough to clue in.

Annnnd…..That’s my rant for today. I’ve got more where that came from but I know you already think I’m a conspiracy theorist. lol…

Hmm, that’s some pretty compelling stuff. But what do you think? This video is for laughs, for us to kind of chuckle at the idea that these teens don’t know much. And I’ll admit, I was laughing at them, saying the answers aloud to myself, hoping that someone in the video would reply in kind. Who knows what the future holds, but I hope it’s not as bad as my friend thinks. Is this video just for shiggles or window into reality? Is our future bleak? Are we just crazy? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

via – Huffington Post