It’s easy to get cynical in the subject of love when you’ve had your heart kicked in the ass. We have a tendency to believe that all people are selfish, we don’t trust them, and we think they’ll just be like that last one. All daggers, teeth, and blood. For those in good relationships or who broke up with their significant other amicably will think I’m insane. And yes, I am insane, but what I speak is just how people feel. Whether you’re fifteen or fifty, it’s easy to let our emotions get the best of us and we act out in ways that don’t hurt anyone but us. So why do we hold onto these feelings so much? Because it’s freakin’ easy!
Image: David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.netSo we sit in our cars, stand in our showers, and when the thought of our ex comes into our heads, we hope they’ve turned fat or failed in their life or even hooked up with someone who they end up hating, but feel they need to stay with to prove a point. But where does that even get us? It just makes us bitter old people who get that pang of loneliness and instead of going out there into the dating world again, we just question everyone and everything and low and behold, we’re nowhere. There’s no time span for those who still hate their exes, it can last forever. There’s also no time span for those who love their exes, as some never lose that feeling.
In the end, we have to try to push those thoughts and feelings aside and know that in our hearts, we deserve the good stuff. Who cares what state our exes are in, especially if we hate them. Let them live their life, or at least try to find some semblance of moving on. With Facebook and Twitter, it’s tough to get rid of them completely, but you can try.
I recently stumbled upon some information about my ex, and after two years, it still gets to me. I don’t think about her on a regular basis, nor on a weekly basis, but she does come up in mind every once in awhile. It’s kind of amazing how true it is, that time heals all wounds. But this bit of information, can send you back a few steps sometimes, and this did. I stumbled a little and some of that hate, resentment, and anger bubbled up again. For those who listen to Geek Love Radio knows that I do have some held over feelings. But 99% of the time it doesn’t even exist. But that’s what brought this thought up.
When all those feelings flooded back in, all I wanted was the worst for her and her boyfriend. Of course, that does nothing for me, because I don’t care enough to see how she’s doing and I don’t want to find out. I’m back to not giving a shit anymore, but for a brief moment I did. We hold onto these feelings because these people meant something at one point, and technically now, they shouldn’t. But we can’t help what we feel sometimes, but we can definitely help what we do about it.
So I just thought I’d share some of these thoughts, especially since I haven’t talked about anything relationship-like in awhile. It’s when we can live our life happily, on our own, that we can truly live and love happily with someone else. So if you have that hate, that want for revenge, and that resentment, try not to give in to it. Just keep moving forward and upward. I think that’s what life boils down to in the end. It’s not about not feeling, it’s not about not hurting, it’s about not letting it keep you stagnant, in one place, and in one setting. It’s just about…always being better, even when you don’t think it can happen.