As a divorcee (sp?), I know what it feels like to have to leave someone you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with. Of course, that was a ludicrous thought in this day and age, when cheating and divorce is like breathing. Yet, for those of us who didn’t want to get it in the first place, apparently there is no somewhere we all can gather, and of like mind, bitch about our significant others.
There was a “Start Over Smart” expo in New York last weekend, and I realize this is late, but what do you want? I just found out about it today! Anyway, this expo is much like any other expo, helping people get through the whole divorce process. I was lucky, because mine was pretty painless. I owned nothing, and she owned more than me, and sure I could have screwed her over, (and my friends really wish I did. So much hate hellip;), but I’m infinitely the nice guy. My curse. But if it was complicated, and it was just a painful experience, I would want an event like this to ease the pain.
Image: David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.netBreaking up in a non marriage relationship is tough enough as it is. It involves one or both parties just balling their eyes out. Do people still use that phrase? Either way, someone gets hurt in the end, but there’s no paperwork, no lawyers, and best of all, no money involved (usually). Otherwise, leaving a marriage is just a procedure most people would just want to get through as quickly as possible, like ripping off a bandaid. Better just to get it over with.
Then there are the children. I never had kids, but I often read how difficult it is for kids to cope with divorce. As a person who is about to become a single parent, I can’t imagine that’d be at all easy to do alone. I know it must be tough, because any time children are involved, it’s never easy. A person going through that would need all the support and services they can get. It’s a sad reality, but more and more children are finding themselves in extended families like that. Step parents are certainly the norm and resentment, anger, and confusion can result. For those of us without kids, it’s easy to forget that part of it all.
Which brings me back to this expo. The vendors at that expo will be helping you get through it with hopefully the least amount of heart ache and head ache, which I think is great. Even though Geek Love Radio and this blog kind of try to help people out in doing things themselves, it’s better to have the support of people who know what they’re doing. Better to have the support of many than to just being a loner. No offense loners. Though I haven’t seen the numbers, I hope that this past expo had amazing numbers so we can see this spread throughout the nation.
I’m still all for the abolishment of marriage all together, but people love it. If the wedding wasn’t so awesome for a lot of people, I think marriage would just fade away like the Macarena and POGS. But yet, even I admit, my wedding was kind of awesome. I mean, I had a Legend of Zelda cake!!!!! It was cool. Trust me on that one.
For now, I think we need more of these events. I had to go through things alone, and yes I realize I didn’t have to go through much, but it would be nice for those who have to go through a lengthy procedure to have something to help them along the way. Would you go to this kind of convention or did you? Do you feel marriage is a dying institution with half of married couples divorcing? Do you think this won’t be a problem anymore with marriages going down? What are your thoughts?
via – MSN: First divorce expo in U.S. aims to lsquo;empower rsquo; attendees