
The Evolution Of A Bad Idea (juicy and boring at the same time)

I had a reader of the blog once say that there just needs to be something juicy to get their attention. People need scandal, sex, and boobs, penises and the word fuck every once in awhile. Well, this will have a little bit of both. Think of these first few sentences as the TL;DR tag that I talk about later. Yes, I’m writing this after writing the blog. I don’t know why, I just did it. Anyway. Sex, drugs, rock and roll is not just for the rock star anymore. It’s for everyone.

A listener once wrote in and told Geek Love Radio that we must be very traditional as we are surprised by the way the world is going with love, sex, and relationships. It’s funny because I live in California, a pretty “liberal” (whatever that means, nowadays) state, and so does one of my co-hosts. So to me, it is kind of fascinating to see how we as a people are living through an evolution of how society functions. People cuss like nobodies business, where in the past, it was done whispers. Saying the word fuck and shit is totally cool in a lot of business environments. Either I grew up in a very sheltered life, which totally may be the case, or we really are living in a world that’s changing before our eyes. Or, it’s because we’re in a society where everything, and I mean everything, happens fast.

Take this for instance. ADD exists right? Sure. People are diagnosed all the time and given drugs to deal with it and it’s totally a thing. But then, I think modern society as a whole may have it. Thanks to our always connected world, we have things that thrown at us 24/7, and if we actually concentrate and pay too much attention to one thing, we might miss something else. I think this mostly applies to the geeks and the nerds, because we are so information hungry. We devour our reddit, our 4chan, our BBC, etc and we just swallow it whole without chewing and savoring the delicious data. The “average” person has television and movies and blogs that they read every day, and listen to and watch and disceminate so much information that if you don’t develop some kind of short attention span, you’ll never get a chance to consume everything. Hell, we now have TL;DR tags now because people just don’t have time to read everything. I of course, don’t utilize this, and if I start now, I know I’ll forget next time. I’m forgetful.

It’s all about content, because it is king. And if I could, Geek Love Radio would be all about sexual escapades and anal bum covers, and all that good stuff. The only thing is, we’re a podcast and a blog for nerds. We may get that stuff, but as an active geek around both the older and younger geek crowd, I’m telling you now we really don’t get that adventurous stuff. Sure we’re probably interested in it, but we’re probably not doing the rusty trombone or the Tony Danza all the time. If you are, write in and comment because I want to hear how that’s going. It’s a rare breed to find a nerd who’s living the life of getting laid all day, because there’s other things we want to do. We have books to read, movies to comment on, or a hobby that has us consumed. Also, the stereotype is that the nerd is socially awkward, and I think…and I believe others will agree with me, that it’s true. But this does not apply to whom I like to affectionally call the “norms”.

Glasses and a Legend of Zelda t-shirt does not make you a nerd, but it is part of the “norm” culture. There’s nothing wrong with this, as geek is chic, but it’s what they do on a regular basis that I thought was NOT the norm, and this is great. We’ll start off with drinking. I don’t drink, but I haven’t met a single person who isn’t a nerd who doesn’t love to drink. They love to get plastered every night, and sometimes during the day. I’ll admit, when I went to a little shin dig for the holidays, everyone there was not thinking about the food or socializing, all they cared about was getting fucked up. It was 12pm. It’s all fine and dandy if you want to get gone when the sun is high, I’m just amazed that it’s what “EVERYONE” wants to do. No, I’m not making a sweeping generalization, but the people at least I encounter, pretty much wants to get drunk all day, err’a day.

Then it’s the weed, the spliff, the blunt, whatever the hell it’s called. I thought I was a pretty liberal guy when I thought, let people do what they want. Let people get high, I don’t care. People have the right to smoke, to drink, why can’t they get high? Then there was a day when my ex did it for a night, and for some reason I flipped out. I think it was compounded by a bunch of pre-existing problems, but I yelled and screamed and was pissed. It was ugly, I was and still am ashamed, and in the end, I was in shock. Why would I care? If I think strangers could do it, why couldn’t my at the time relationship not do it? Yet, nowadays, it doesn’t surprise me that so many people I interact with smoke up every once in awhile, or often, just for fun. More power to them, because that’s their perogative, but what was once considered taboo is just an easily acceptable thing. It’s getting more and more legal everyday. Other drugs are still frowned upon, but marijuana is an accepted part of life. I must be getting old for me to be just…finding it fascinating that we’re in a world now where everything is taken in stride and just fun.

Speaking of fun. Porn. Thanks to the internet, porn is everywhere. Once whispered about, never talked about to anyone, and done often in private, porn is becoming more and more prevalent in every day life. It’s not unusual to see the stray boob or vagina just peaking on someone’s phone or laptop screen. As a matter of fact, there is a Huffington Post article that says that people are looking at porn at WORK! What?! I can get the cussing and the drinking, but the porn? Who’s so horny that they can’t wait until they get home? Are they trying to keeping it away from their significant other? So sex is a thing that everyone seems to be getting more and more comfortable with. The one night stand is common place, and showing your naked body to your boyfriend or girlfriend is second nature. Weirdly enough, men seem to be just ready to show off their penis to anyone who’s willing to look at it.

Talking about sex is also more open, where we’ll even share our sexual experiences on a podcast or a blog and let people know what positions and whatnot we’ve been in. Men and women both have no qualms about talking about who they’d fuck. Again, still talking about the “norms” here. The “true” geek or nerd don’t seem to have this problem where they keep their sex lives under wraps for the most part. And I hate to say this, but average nerd isn’t the most…uhh…attractive? Yes, I realize this is changing as more and more people from the other side of the looks category get into the same things as we do, with MMOs, comic books, and trivia becomes more and more poplar. Star Wars is not just for the glassess and suspenders type anymore. Wow, how did I get away from sex?

So yeah, banging…totally a thing. Yep. It’s an expectation and getting with someone is almost a necessity. Not necessariliy in the relationship aspect, but in the, casual fuck buddy capacity. That’s a norm! I think I did live a sheltered life. As always, I’m not complaining about the breasts and cleavage people like to sport. I’m all about the yoga pants and anything in that kind of material that shows off the ass and the camel toe. That’s a fine thing to have. Tight small clothing seems to be a thing people lie to wear no matter their age. Women who are in their 40’s? Why the hell not? The gym is an important place to go and the ladies have to show off what they earned in crossfit class. Even the uhh…not so fit amongst us seem to like to wear the short and the tight, but yeah…to each their own. Guys on the other hand, thanks to the popularity of MMA, have learned to fight, are just muscular as all hell, and yeah…they’re scary and good looking and make it hard for us below average looking folk like myself.

Finally, (because I was going to go on with the popularity of tattoos, and the acceptance of all sorts of sexual orientations. Good on you society!), people are so fond of sharing now when people used to not care. Not to say people care now, but people must care to some degree to follow people who take pictures of their food, or of places the average person may never visit, or of their amazingly hot friends or their own amazing hotness. We share everything in short form like Twitter where we show our hate of life and the world or on here where I share my hate for everything in general in the form of this ginormous blog. Sorry, I promise this torture will end soon. But it amazes me, that’s all, that a few decades ago, so much was considered weird and wrong and in a flash (in terms of human history), we’ve found an enlightenment that allows us to be more open minded and more accepting. We actually, despite everything I’ve said, hate a lot less. It’s rather amazing if you think about it. What a weird thing to think about during the holidays. I love the Christmas time, because of what it represents. I don’t think I have a bad memory about it. Even when I broke my arm and spent the entire holiday break recouperating, or the Christmas holiday where my relationship was falling apart faster than I could say Merry Christmas. Under all of that was some good, was something worthwhile, and something that made me happy. And isn’t that what life is all about? Hmm, not how I expected to end this blog post. Not used to being so positive. So…uhh…balls.