
Writing…is hard

Sorry everyone, this is a blog post mostly for me. To air my thoughts. So if that’s not something you’re into, I apologize ahead of time. So here is your early warning. Otherwise, if you’re curious…then read on.

I love to write, and I used to love to write all the time on this blog. But then, it got stopped. My written words have gone silent. And it’s kind of sad. Now, mind you, I’m not saying I’m an amazing writer, I just enjoy writing, and then…I stopped. And it bothers me! I have so much to say on my podcasts, and I’m happy to share the show notes of the podcasts on here, and celebrating the odd “holiday”, but the writing…I miss the writing. Some may say, just write! Which is technically what I’m doing now. But I don’t want to just write anything. I want it to mean something or to be relevant, or thought provoking or fun, or I guess in this case…rambly.

I’ve never claimed to be a wordsmith, but I’ve been fortunate to be around people who are. So when it comes to my own writing, it ultimately comes down to whatever tickles my fancy. And right now, nothing is really tickling it. It’s not like I’m not doing anything. I may be doing less, but I’m still doing something. But nothing that I haven’t talked about before. And my own thoughts, my own ides, are things that I feel is may only be interesting to me. Like the realization of how lighting in any environment can invoke an array of deep emotions and moods. For instance, earlier this week, I was standing outside my place of work, and I was just looking out over the parking lot. A very mundane image to say the least. But there were a few seconds, that could have easily spanned into minutes where the way the sun was shining down and the clouds were rolling in that crystal blue sky, painted a picture so perfect, that I knew I would never experience it again. It was the right mixture of image, lighting, and mood that made an otherwise boring landscape… beautiful. And it’s such a heady thought to think that every moment of your life is a moment you will never experience again. Errrr…that’s what goes on in this mind.

So I struggle to write. And I normally don’t write just for other people, though I hope people will like what I have to say. But I write for me. And right now, as much as I want to write, I’d rather read, or talk, or experience, or play, or listen to, or…or…can someone relate? I mean if you’ve read this far, I’m curious if you can relate. You have something you love doing, and something that you can almost call a passion, but you don’t do anything about it. Not for weeks, or months sometimes. Does an artist paint once, and then stop for days because…well, they have no idea what else to paint? Is it unrealistic for me to think that I could pump out something every week or two weeks? I’m no journalist, but I am an information horder, so I would like to think there’s something worth putting on paper, or in this case, the internet.

I realize I’m overthinking this whole thing. It gives me something to write about. It let’s my creative juices flow when I think too much. I start analyzing music, and how rhythm and beats invoke more feeling out of a song than the lyrics. Sure, lyrics are important, but what really gets you feeling is the sound. Ever since an old friend of mine told me that he loved a song all about cheating because it sounded beautiful, I realized that we as people don’t listen to the words…at first. The hook has always been the way the words sound. See, rambling! Dang nabbit….

You are a braver soul than I if you actually made it this far into this blog post, but I just had the need. The need for speed. Never mind. Maybe if you have an idea of something to write about, I’d appreciate it. And it can’t be about how much I suck, because I don’t have the kind of time to write the thousands of words it would take to encompass that. But if you have anything else, please let me know. Thanks! Now, I leave you with a video…about…something funny.