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Geek Love Radio is all new with discussion that makes so much sense, this panel may have all the answers to the worlds problems. As we have Anthony Bachman in for his debut on the show, along with Indie Girl Kristy, Jason Clark, Josh Hawkes, and myself, Francis the Other Guy. We get tons of stories as we revisit some topics with new eyes like the friende zone, forever alone, weddings, marriage, cheating, and more. Check it out on this week’s GLR.
Indie Girl Blog: http://indiegirlblogs.wordpress.com/
Check out Josh Hawkes’ Point of Interest Podcast: http://www.pointsofinterestpodcast.com/
Jay the Jedi Ras in An Elegant Weapon: http://anelegantweapon.podbean.com/
Anthony Bachman on the Next Element Podcast: http://thenextelementpodcast.podbean.com/
Blog: http://geekloveradio.net
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/geekloveradio
Archived shows found at http://glr.libsyn.com