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This week’s Critical Moment of Awesome is a surprise isn’t it. Didn’t think one was going to go up, did you?!?!? Well, technically, one wasn’t, but I have stuff to talk about and announce and well, you’re getting it whether you like it or not! Dave the Drummer is sick, so I’m here to give you the new show with a voicemail from listener Tommy, and a recommendation – http://youtu.be/7yzMataIUwQ. It’s funny, in that creepy…sort of way. Then, there’s this guy…Chris Dotson. You might know who he is, but if you don’t, here’s some of his work http://mynameischrisdotson.com/. Finally, I throw in a few discussions, just to get a ball of some sort, rolling. All that and why two weeks went by without some Crit Mo, on this weeks…Crit Mo.
You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, the devolution of a
great idea. From pop culture, to music, movies, games, science, food
and more, we really do cover it all. If you want to suggest a topic,
have questions or want to tell us what we got wrong, write us at critmo@mail.com. Thanks again for listening.
Voicemail: (347) 450 – GEEK (4335)