
Day 2 – The Infamous Shower Idea

Who knew that this would be so hard? It’s just coming up with something to write about every day. Well, I quickly learned that this would be difficult when I was in the shower this morning and I came up with a brilliant thing to write about. I even had points I wanted to make, and it was going to be profound and interesting! So I thought. Once I got out of the shower, I checked my phone, and the idea just dissipated in a cloud of smoke.

A day of work passes, and I’m driving back to my adobe when it hits me. I had an idea in the shower that would be great to write about! But what the hell is it? I have no idea. I retrace my steps, I go through my thought process and nothing. Tabula Rasa. Actually, I don’t think I’m using that properly. And it’s no surprise. There’s something about the solitude of a shower that helps me focus on my thoughts, and come up with things that I wouldn’t think of otherwise.

So, to make up for my lack of anything substantial in this post, unless you too have experienced the pain of horrible memory loss and the ever enlightening shower thought, please let me know. Fort now, I’ll just link a video of some sort below. Enjoy.