It’s St. Paddy’s Day when this Critical Moment of Awesome comes out, so let your Irish flag fly with Dave the Drummer and Francis the Other Guy. This time around they talk about Dave’s near death experience, the ending of an AM era, kids reading clocks, the 5 second rule, atheists dying out, dog poo, a cat nearly killed, and so much more. Do yourself a favor on this Paddy’s Day. Grab a pint, bring some friends, and share the craic that is, Crit Mo.
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Bad Music Video of the Week: Hammer Bru 17 – AAHH
Twitter Handles:
Francis The Other Guy: https://twitter.com/akaTheOtherGuy
Dave the Drummer: https://twitter.com/DaveofCRITMO
Voicemail: (347) 450 – GEEK (4335)