Online Friend Simulator – The Real World

Online Friend Simulator
Online Friend Simulator
Online Friend Simulator - The Real World

Welcome to the Online Friend Simulator. Because everyone could use a friend, even online. I’m Francis aka The Other Guy.

How are you doing? I hope you’re doing well. After some time away due to illness and vacation, I’m back with a whole new idea. Let’s step away from doing our socializing online and get back to doing our socializing in person. I fear we may be so used to doing things online, that we may have forgotten how to interact in the real world. Despite being an introvert, maybe we can try to step away from fear and step out of our comfort zone. Just a thought. But it did work for me, I hope it works for you.

As always, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Phone Number: (347) 450-4335 [GEEK]

Intro Music By: Kevin McLeod – Acid Jazz

2 thoughts on “Online Friend Simulator – The Real World”

  1. Listened to on 13may21.
    Glad you are doing better physically.
    There is a growth in a relationship when the involved persons be come comfortable with each other, and grow their own set of routines and group dynamic normalcy.
    Oh a new relationship. One height of carrying for another is taking care of the other’s well being, including when their bodily needs are compromised.
    Settling. How much of life is that? What does on find important enough to struggle with? What does one compromise on? What does one just give up on and let the world do what it may on?
    A little more natural. How much of relationship growth is dropping the dating ideal self, letting down barriers, and exposing one’s more real and or true self? Also at what point when that is revealed, does one accept, or compromise, or decide that something is too not acceptable to remain?
    When you talked about people. I think of the great wonders a person can do, what heights of compassion. Then I think of the great horrors persons can do, what lows of depravity and destruction can be wrought. At the same time I think of a quote from Q of Star Trek: ” If you can’t take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home, and crawl under your bed. It’s not safe out here! It’s wondrous…with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it’s not for the timid.”.
    Thought of this came up when you talked about conventions, making friends, and why some become friends and others remain acquaintances. One of my favorite movies is an Albert Brooks movie made in the 1980s, about death and living. And its central premise is that personal growth revolves ultimately about overcoming a specific emotion, fear. How much does that emotion truly impact our lives and one’s decisions within it?
    Do you miss the days where the airport was more accessible? When one can see off persons to the gate, or great them when they arrive at it. When there were in facility observation lounges to watch the airport traffic/activities. Entire scenes in movies which are iconic for their era, are entirely impossible with current airport securirt restrictions (even current health regulations).
    Also gets me thinking the icon Superman changing from Kent to his true self in a phone booth is now a near impossible, except for where those structure are preserved. When was the last time you were in a phone booth?
    How much of life is setting goals, and striving to accomplish those goals? How much of life is what happens in between?
    How much of the division of society is the view that someone else us not decent, not moral, cause the other does not conform to someone else’s political positions?

  2. I think I’ve forgotten how to be social. I mean, I’ve been ok with it because I had to relearn how to be social as a teenager after not being able to deal with rejection well as a 14yr old. I used to enjoy getting to know people & when my family owned our coffee shop I met people all the time because people would come in to play music, play cards, have food, work jigsaw puzzles…..& I could talk to anyone who came in because we all had something common to talk about.

    However, I do think I’ve forgotten how to be social. The reason I say this is just today(May 13th 2021) I got to do 1 of my very favorite things that I haven’t done in quite awhile…..I got to go to a used book store. While in the book store I was looking around through all the books, used video games, records, DVDs, blurays, board games etc & I tried to have a conversation with someone.

    The conversation didn’t go well because I couldn’t think of anything to talk about after “So, where’s your Star Trek novels?” or “Do you have any Johnny Cash records?” I just couldn’t keep the conversation going as much as I wanted to. It kind of broke my heart because I used to be able to do it….even if it was just “small talk”. It almost sounded like I was hearing the sound of awkward silence. I HATE awkward silence.

    I even live streamed some of it…..& I got awkward looks by people like: “Who is this geek?” when in actuality I was thinking “THIS GEEK IS 1 OF YOU!!!!! I GET & UNDERSTAND YOU!!!”

    I can definitely tell that I’m going to have to work on my social skills because now that we’re all getting out of this quarantine, I & everyone are sure going to need it!!!

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