via BBC – Doctor Who WebsiteI normally don’t get to watch a lot of TV or movies, but I try to at least see a movie once a week. Keeps me from going crazy. Lately though, I’ve been noticing more and more television and movies from a particular part of the world. That world, happens to be in the UK, and it happens to be “Great”. That’s right, British TV and movies have somehow inundated my world, and I don’t know why.
It seems everywhere I turn there’s a Doctor Who reference or link, there are Harry Potter flicks, and of course, the Beatles. I know that in order to actually listen and watch these things, you have to be around it. You have to seek it out in order to endulge. But really, you don’t have to. If you’re a nerd, you’re pretty much in that world. It seems, according to Dave the Drummer, that the British embrace the geek, and show it off in pretty much everything that they do.
The following here will be a small list of shows and movies that prove that the British like to cater to the geek. “Doctor Who”, “Harry Potter”, “Misfits”, “Sherlock”, “QI”, ANYTHING Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg Nick Frost, Monty Python, “Hitchhiker’s Guide”…and honestly, I can keep going. And maybe it’s really the other way around. Maybe it’s the geek who seeks out the UK sensibilities. Either way, they seem to go hand in hand, and I love it, I just don’t get it.
I’m an American, if you couldn’t tell, and I actually find very few things in American media that’s worth geeking out about. Sure there are comic books and their subsequent movies, there are video games, and there are the occasional show here and there, but really, those fade fast. It’s almost like it’s STILL an anti-nerd culture, where really the one show to survive is “The Big Bang Theory”. Oh, and there’s also “Game of Thrones”, but I kind of put that in the UK side, because of the actors and whatnot…but I guess it can be called American Television. Everything else, from “Firefly” to “Heroes” goes by the way side, untouched, unloved, and ultimately forgotten. But I guess these are shows I consider nerdy. Like “Star Trek”. Where the hell is my new series? It went on for years, back to back to back, and now…nothing? Come on people! Where’s my “Star Wars” series that is NOT a cartoon? Though there’s nothing wrong with the cartoon, I just don’t get cable. Anyway…
Just throwing it out there, though. What do you think is consdered good TV/Movies/Music…though yes, I didn’t mention music. Not my field really, but if Dave the Drummer wanted to write something about it, I wouldn’t be opposed. Do you think the only way to get our geek on is with British TV Movies or are their legitimate geeky TV out here in the States? If so, I may have overlooked it, and I want to know, so I can keep up with them. BTW, anything on SyFy, doesn’t count. I’m asking for GOOD shows. Thanks. 🙂