
Three Things I Learned Today

#1: Now, I’ve tried to give advice on how to relieve stress, or to overcome sad or difficult situations. I try to give you some suggestions on how to deal with people, with heartache, and with jerks. At least, I think I did. I even tried to bestow some knowledge on how to handle anger and loneliness. But the one thing that I discovered today, that really turned my day from meh to good, was singing. OH YEAH. Singing is an amazing way to feel good. I just heard a song that I kind of knew the lyrics to and belted out an off tune serenade to myself in my car, and kind of looking like an idiot. I’m glad no one could hear because I think I would have been punched.

It’s probably why karaoke places are popular. There’s a feeling of euphoria when you’re singing a song you love. And though I haven’t really come across any articles or research on the effects of singing and the psyche, from my own experiences I find that belting out a good ballad is a lot like laughing. You feel good when you’re singing, you’re on a high. And you can get there even if you’re all melancholy. All you need is that right song from Usher, Journey, Ozzy, Taylor Swift or even the Smashing Pumpkins. Who cares who hears you or where you do it, just sing and you may be surprised by the results. Even if it doesn’t make you feel better, it let’s you escape for a couple minutes, which we all need from time to time. So, whatever your flavor is, just crank it up to 11 and let the good times roll!

#2: People really don’t know how to follow directions, not even if they’re adults. I don’t really understand how that works, when I would think we adults would have the discipline to actually, sit, listen, interpret, and retain information when its being fed to us. Yet, if a person of authority tells you not to bubble in the letters to your name, but just write it out, 9 out of 10 times, someone will bubble out the letters while writing their names. Have we gotten so used to just ignoring people that even when instructions are spelled out to us, we still don’t do them? What do you think is our reasoning behind just not paying attention and doing whatever we please?

Part of me just thinks that everyone has a rebellious side. It wasn’t like bubbling in the stuff would have made the test go faster, all it did was bring attention to yourself. Are we hardcore when we grown ups just happen to neglect what a person is asking us to do? I’m probably being too harsh, and it didn’t make me mad or anything, nor did I really care. The proctor was the guy who cared. I was just totally surprised by it all. You’d think grown men and women are able to follow simple instructions. Of course we have warnings on everything that tell us not to drink this thing because it can cause death, so maybe it is hard to follow simple instructions.

#3: I knew this last thing, but it really became apparent today when I was in line for a test to get this county job. There were 150 people in line, and after talking with some of them, they mentioned how they were either working already and needed some extra income, while the majority of others were just desperate for work and were barely making ends meet. There were so many people in that line, testing for this job, and it went around the block and then some. Its a punch to the stomach to see so many people, their faces morose, their slumped over demeanor, and those sad eyes. Its not for a lack of trying it seems, but its just how our world is. So send out those thoughts, prayers, wishes to these people if you can because they need that little bit of help to get them through the door and into a better life.