
Happy November Everybody Now…Are They Hot For Teacher ( well, you, I just wanted to use the title of the song)

Now, maybe its a bit pretentious to think that the girl you’re talking to is into you because she’s giving you the time of day or actually listening to you. I mean, I think people jump to a lot of conclusions when flirting and talking with a girl, and most of the time they’re not going to tell you. “Hey, I like you, I think you’re great, you should ask me out.” That’d be too easy. A guy, most likely, is going to look at you, if he’s interested and actually can read the signs or doesn’t care about the signs, will tell you straight up that they want to go out with you. But for women, the flirting, the touching, the words that she says IS the sign that they’re interested in you.

There are places on the web where you can find a ton of information on how to tell whether or not the person is into you. It ranges from touching, to body language, to the way they talk to you. That’s all well and good, but what about if you’re a person like me. Someone who is oblivious to flirting, who has no idea if a girl is interested in you. Sure a woman can talk to me, touch my arm, do something that’s flirtatious and I’ll just see it as friendly. Are you like this?

And this can be a problem. Unless you’re the one being aggressive, you won’t know that the person is into you. I mean, you could be the only person who has her undivided attention, and you’ll be oblivious to it. Okay, maybe this is an overblown set up, but that’s an example of how I approach flirting. If I’m not the one being aggressive, I have no idea what’s going on. And sometimes, and this is rare, I am aware and I’m looking way too deep into it, seeing things that are not even there. I usually don’t do anything about it, because I’m aware I might be over thinking things.

So now you’re not aware, or maybe you think they’re flirting with you and interested in you, but you’re not sure. You’re interested in them, and you find them fun and attractive, but you’re not sure if they’re flirting with you or checking you out. If its a chance encounter that may never happen again, then just go for it. Ask them out, because the worst that can happen is a no, and you never see them again. Or at least have a small chance of seeing them again. So what’s the harm? Okay, If you don’t take that chance, you might miss out on a good thing. And as I mostly say, things happen for a reason. Someone, whether its God or fate or whatever you believe in, is giving you the opportunity and the chance with this person by presenting them to you. So take advantage of it!

If there’s anything I’ve learned since the beginning of this blog, is that…there really is someone out there somewhere for you. Not that I’ve found her yet, but I know for sure the possibility is out there. There are billions of people on the planet, someone will click with you. Don’t settle, and don’t take anything less than what you want and what you’re looking for.

Be brave people, that means you too ladies, be bold, and tell them how you feel. If its someone you’ll see all the time, a friend or a coworker…be a little more tact, take it slow. Rejection in this situation can be awkward and difficult. But because you see them on a regular basis, you can feel them out better. Yeah you don’t know if they’re flirting with you, you’re blind to their advances, if you two are close and you’re interested in that person as much as they are to you, it’ll actually be EASIER to tell and know if a date is possible. If anything, you can joke about it, bring it up in casual conversations as a what if, especially if you’re not sure about the flirting. That’ll give you an idea of your chances.

But don’t be afraid. Take that step forward. And try to learn to hone your skills on recognizing flirtation. Because, you can’t live life blind. I know I’m working on it.